10 Signs That You Are About To Lose Your Job!

National statistics show that if you are under 30 today, you have a 90% chance of getting fired or laid off at least once over the next 20 years.  This is not good!  In Central Florida, we did some informal polling and questioned recently fired or laid off people to see if they “saw the writing on the wall”.  In other words, are there signs that your career path is about to hit a speed bump? 

Thanks to all who participated in our survey.  Here is the list:

1.Your relationship with your manager suddenly changes.  They treat you differently or possibly even ignore you.  No eye contact.

2.Some people were asked to train a new employee for their job.

3.Your job responsibilities suddenly shift and your new assignments have very little responsibility.

4.Your current company is sold to new owners.

5.You work involves a product that is being replaced. (like a pay phone)

6.If you hear the word “reorganization” at your company, it may be time to start looking.

7.You are passed over for a promotion or a raise.

8.You have to fight like crazy to get anything done.

9.Your company’s stock has been on a “strong sell” list. (mortgage companies is a great example)

10.Your job performance feedback changes dramatically from previous feedback. 

So if you are feeling any of these warning signs, what do you do?  I would suggest setting up a meeting with your supervisor or manager and let them know your concerns.  The way this meeting goes will be a great indicator if you should start looking for your next job.  Remember, in your job you only have control over your skills sets, work ethic and enthusiasm.  If you start feeling that you don’t have control of this, it usually is time to start getting your resume updated!