The New Twitter. Employers Now Have a Great Reason To Tweet!

I certainly understand why many employers don’t use Twitter.  Some companies still don’t even allow employees to access Twitter.  Others think it is a big waste of time.  Even more think it is just for celebrities to make off-color comments and then say they were hacked.

However, Twitter just made some great changes that are fantastic for employers who are always recruiting great talent.  I would submit to you that Twitter has finally made its service a very powerful recruiting tool that will help you get better candidates and advertise your employment brand.

The new Twitter format allows you to add links to your viewable profile (SEO), larger images (visual employment branding), “pinned tweet” (you pick the tweet you want at the top of your feed) and users get to pick their feed format (popular tweets, photos, media, etc.).

The new Twitter is really now another “mini” website that will be serve as a branch office for your own company’s career website.

This is @AonCareers Twitter career page.  The visual picture tells the whole story about their employment brand.  Also, look at the profile section on the left hand side.  They have links that guide the user to more information about working at AON.  All this information is keyword searchable and great for SEO. (I would also add in this section the titles for a company’s “hard to fill” positions for even more powerful keyword searching.


@Starbucks uses the “pinned tweet”.  For employers, this allows you to pin to the top of your feed your most urgent job that needs to be filled. Pinned tweets are stationary and in a larger font so they really stand out.

No matter the size of your company, Twitter can really help your employment brand rise to new levels. Your company’s Twitter page can look like Starbucks!  And as an extra added bonus, Twitter is built for mobile and over 60% of US users access Twitter this way.   Mobile is king and Twitter can show your next great hire that you truly understand that!