Employers – Mark Your Calendars! Don’t Miss these Upcoming GOSHRM Events in Orlando.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

GOSHRM Members Only Networking Event

5:30pm to 8:30pm

OrlandoJobs.com will be attending the Member’s Only GOSHRM Networking Event on Tuesday, August 19th starting at 5:30pm at the Pub Orlando off of International Drive. We hope you will be joining us at this great human resources networking event.  We would love to meet with you! 

This event will begin at 5:30 PM and is exclusive to GOSHRM members. Complimentary drinks and appetizers will be served.

Valet Parking Is Included (Validate at host stand).

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


For Members and Non-Members!

5:30pm to 8:00pm

Not a GOSHRM member yet?  Come out to the GOSHRM Mixer and meet with other HR Professionals and explore the benefits of membership. Current members are encouraged to bring a friend.  The OrlandoJobs.com Team will also be attending.  Stop by and introduce yourself to the OrlandoJobs.com Team and we can discuss how we can help you with your recruiting needs. It will be a great event!

Two free drinks and tapas will be provided. GOSHRM will be having a prize drawing at the end of the event. The event is Free for Members and Non-MembersPlease make sure to RSVP by September 8th.  We hope to see you there!

Parking is across the street from restaurant (Under I-4).