7,262 Open Jobs in U.S. Insurance Industry


April 24, 2015 – Orlando, FL – The insurance industry will have a record employment year in 2015, according to today’s forecast by GreatInsuranceJobs.com. For seven straight years, GreatInsuranceJobs.com has surveyed employers about their currently open jobs, their gut feeling about the future, and their biggest challenges in insurance hiring today.

In totality, the GreatInsuranceJobs.com Employment Outlook for 2015 found 7,262 jobs currently open at the 78 companies within their survey. Another 15,354 jobs were predicted by the hiring managers for those companies during the remaining three quarters of 2015. The study, conducted via phone between February 9 and March 6, 2015, also found that 24% of surveyed companies indicated that hiring would be better in 2015 when compared to 2014. There are currently open jobs at 84% of the companies surveyed.

“We expect 2015 to be a record year for hiring in insurance,” states Scott Kotroba, President and Co-Founder of GreatInsuranceJobs.com. “But for hiring managers, the greatest challenge mentioned by more than 80% of the employers is the difficulty of finding qualified talent.”

The Top Ten recruiting challenges that insurance companies looking for talent are experiencing are the following:

  1. Unqualified applicants.
  2. Finding technology talent.
  3. Retirement of the workforce.
  4. Recruiting budgets remain low.
  5. Hard to find sales candidates.
  6. Salary regulations.
  7. Technology, Customer Service and Underwriting jobs are hard to fill.
  8. Difficult to find bilingual candidates.
  9. No fit for company culture.
  10. Finding talent in remote areas.

Click here to read the Insurance Industry 2015 Employment Outlook in its entirety.