Up-and-Coming Cities for Insurance Jobs

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If you’re currently working in the insurance industry or looking for a new career path, relocating to a new city may be a necessary step towards fulfilling your career goals. Many cities around the United States are more attractive to insurance industry professionals because there is a higher demand for claims adjusters, insurance agents, and other insurance jobs in metro areas and up-and-coming tech hubs. Here are just some of the up-and-coming cities for insurance jobs to keep your eye on:


Madison, Wisconsin

Madison, WI

With a 2.90% unemployment rate, one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country, Madison boasts a wealth of opportunities for insurance professionals and is also one of the best cities for entry-level jobs. Even though you’ll be competing with the fresh talent graduating from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, you’ll find plenty of insurance firms, brokerages, and independent businesses in need of insurance professionals.


Des Moines, Iowa

Des Moines, Iowa

Another Midwestern city to keep your eye on for insurance careers, Des Moines is showing signs of a strong financial sector with many larger financial and insurance firms. It also has a low unemployment rate and the growing economy spurred by engineering, tech, and business industries will generate more jobs for all types of insurance industry professionals.


Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, NE

It’s one of the most livable cities in the United States and is also nestled in the Midwest where you’ll find plenty of vibrant economic districts and thriving businesses. Insurance is among the top five industries in this city, trailing right behind customer service.


Albany, New York

Albany, NY

If you’ve always wanted to live on the East Coast, consider searching for insurance jobs in Albany, a city that continues to boast one of the nation’s strongest economies. Insurance ranks at the top of the list for most in-demand industries and both the healthcare and insurance industries are experiencing rapid growth.


Portland, Oregon

Portland, Oregon

Manufacturing of renewable technologies is one of the biggest economic drivers in Portland but the diverse economy also includes a large segment of insurance firms and companies. The higher quality of life and natural resources make Portland an attractive destination for many working professionals.


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh, PA

One of the top-ranking cities for startups and healthcare jobs, this up-and-coming city has an unemployment rate of just 4.60%. Pittsburgh is also home to some of the largest commercial insurance brokers and insurance companies, an attractive city for industry professionals at all career levels.


Minneapolis, Minnesota

Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Twin Cities boast a growing financial sector and Minneapolis offers a wealth of opportunities in the insurance industry. The unemployment rate remains low and living in Minneapolis affords plenty of opportunities to enjoy the Midwest culture and lifestyle. The steady growth of the manufacturing and high-tech industries will attract more employees and companies that may be seeking out insurance products.


Rochester, New York

Rochester, New York

The healthcare industry drives the economy in this city and insurance jobs are plentiful as workers migrating to the city and company expansions seek out insurance coverage for various needs. Rochester also boasts a 4.50% unemployment rate.