Looking at Orlando’s Medical Simulation Industry


The modeling and simulation industry has been huge for years in Orlando, with defense companies like Lockheed Martin leading the efforts. But in recent years, the healthcare field has started to rely on simulation technology more and more. It’s one of the fastest growing industries in the region.

Orlando’s VA Medical Center, Orlando Health, Florida Hospital and Nemours all turn to simulation technology in their training. Doctors and nurses can get advanced training through simulation, helping them cultivate new skills.

With new technology, users can use a computerized mannequin that is programmed with hundreds of realistic human functions. Training sessions can mimic a critical care situation or operating room to simulate the real experience.


Jobs in Medical Simulation

There are a wide range of careers in medical simulation, from adult learning experts to technology operators. Below are some of the most common career paths and their requirements:

  • Nurse instructor: Nurse educators train the next generation of healthcare providers. Instructors use an academic curriculum to prepare prospective nurses for their career. Simulations are often used as part of the examination and evaluation process. In this field, you need a Master of Science in Nursing. Experience in education or technology is also preferred.
  • Simulation manager: The simulation manager oversee the technical functions and operations of the simulation lab. The manager troubleshoots any issues and ensures the lab works smoothly. A simulation manager needs a degree in simulation or industrial engineering, with a master’s degree giving you an edge.
  • Lab technician: The lab technician performs and supports the planning, execution and evaluation of simulation-based training exercises. They work with subject matter experts to develop realistic scenarios used to train students. A bachelor’s degree in Clinical Healthcare is necessary, but experience in the field is also helpful.

As the medical simulation industry continues to grow throughout Central Florida, the field will be responsible for bringing new jobs to Orlando. This is a rapidly developing field that will offer high-paying careers for people who pursue this area of study. The modeling and simulation industry has many different applications, and ensures long-term job stability.