Going to RIMS 2018? Don’t Miss Three Powerful Insurance Career Presentations by Our Co-Founder Roger Lear


The annual RIMS Conference is April 15-18 in San Antonio. We are excited to announce that our co-founder, Roger Lear, will be presenting three times this year to get everyone up to speed on the significant changes in how the insurance job search has changed and what you need to do to make sure you truly understand what this means. These sessions are for anyone looking to make a job change, anyone trying to recruit risk managers or insurance brokers or students who will be entering the job market shortly.

Roger will talk about the hoopla around artificial intelligence, LinkedIn, and the 2018 insurance resume. All these topics will be presented with real examples to showcase how important it is to optimize in all these areas so you can get the job you want or find great employees. You will leave all these sessions with a much clearer understanding of exactly how to maximize your career search or great ideas on how you can find great employees. All this will be done by real live examples of what is right and what is wrong!

Catch these sessions if you can. Here is the lineup and times:


Artificial Intelligence Will Change the Way You Recruit and Hire
Mo​nday, April 16 | 2:00 pm –​ 2:30 pm

Learn about artificial intelligence (AI) recruiting strategies and companies. Stay competitive in your search for the best talent and anticipate how AI will change the way risk professionals and insurance brokers get jobs. Is AI really working? That question will be answered with live examples to show you where it is at and where it is going. This session is not to be missed if you are having a hard time finding great risk managers or insurance brokers. For those searching for jobs, AI gives you one more advantage of being found by employers if you understand the basics.


Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile for your Insurance Job Search and/or Networking
Monday, April 16 | 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Learn why an optimized LinkedIn profile can produce fantastic results that will have employers reaching out to you about jobs or potential clients connecting to you to do business. You will leave this session with 5 things you must change on your profile today to make it powerful and stand out immediately from everyone else. You will also learn how LinkedIn actually works and how to connect to employers directly where you really want to work.


The Insurance Industry Resume—The Real Deal
Wednesday, April 17 | 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm

If you Google the word “resume example”, you will find over 2.8 million results. This session will eliminate the need to do this! If you want a powerful insurance resume, it is actually easy to do IF you know exactly what the employer is looking for when they (or a robot) reads your resume. Join us and find out the real elements of a powerful insurance resume that will get you interviews.


See you there! Follow Roger on twitter @rogerlear1 or email him with any questions: roger@greatinsurancejobs.com.
