Find Great Candidates Other Companies Can’t

Find Great Candidates Other Companies Can’t


It’s tough out there. Low unemployment, buzzing economy, more jobs than people; and you have to hire ten people. For many company recruiting teams, just the thought of where to find qualified talent will cause many restless nights. The next recession will happen growth slows because companies can’t find talent and therefore, will have stagnant growth.

The anecdote is not to run out of skilled, qualified candidates. Sounds fair. Just wish it was easy. Most companies have a go-to recruiting strategy that looks like this:

  1. Post open jobs on corporate career website and job boards.
  2. Send out a listing of job openings to current employees.
  3. Search applicant tracking system for low hanging fruit.
  4. Blanket email all potential candidates with a link to the job.
  5. Use LinkedIn to spam people with InMail.
  6. Sit back and wait.

This strategy will yield some candidates and is an excellent foundation to get the word out about your openings. In a buzzing economy, this is just a start. If you want to find even more candidates, it’s time to try these three techniques:

Phone Calls and Texting at the Same Time

If you are looking for a claims adjuster, go into your ATS and the resume database of niche job boards and find every possible candidate that has claims skills. Instead of emailing them, call them followed by a text. Knowing many people don’t listen to voicemails, still leave one, and in the follow-up text 30 seconds later include this message, “Hi Ariel, this is James from XYZ insurance company…just left you a voice mail about a position we have open. Thanks”. 99% of all text messages are read, and this will also be the reason they will listen to your voice mail. Your voicemail should be no longer than 30 seconds, highlighting your impressive job opening. It should be energetic with exceptional tonality with a precise call back number and email. This strategy is straightforward but powerful. Give it a try on your next search.

Niche Job Boards – Resume Database

Not all job boards are equal. A real niche job board is very important that for some reason may be overlooked by recruiting teams.; The challenge for employers is identifying actual niche job boards. For example, is the number 1 niche job board for the insurance industry since 2001. Niche job boards cater to specific jobs in their niche as well as provide essential industry career advice by career experts. The resume database is a recruiter’s goldmine since most of the candidates who were active at one time are passive now. An excellent niche board resume database truly is LinkedIn with one HUGE difference; phone numbers and personal emails. You can also find people that may not have been active in five years who could now be an outstanding candidate for your company.Recruiting is hard work, and with so many places to post a job, many recruiters will sit back and wait instead of unburying the treasure.

Niche Job Boards – Branding

Is anyone tired of hearing about employment branding? The reason is that it is essential. The problem is, when you post a job on your corporate website (unless you are a Facebook or Google) people have no way to find your open job organically. You need qualified job seeker traffic, and the best approach is to post on a reputable niche job board. For example, at, each job posting is a mini website that can include logos, pictures, social, video, and documents. Not only the great branding, but each job posting is SEO optimized so potential candidates can find your job opening with a typical Google search. On sites like Indeed, your CFO job opening looks the same as a dishwasher opening.



Image by John Burraco from the Noun Project