Central Florida Community Partners – Providing Help During COVID-19

Visit the virtual job fair at OrlandoJobs.com/JobFair

The COVID-19 virus is temporarily changing the employment situation in Central Florida.  If you have been furloughed, laid off, had your hours reduced or terminated, this stress caused by this may be more powerful than dealing with the virus.

Central Florida has fantastic resources to help.  We have organizations that can help veterans, disabled, financial Issues, career direction help, skills training, soft skill training, transportation issues, and so many more. 

These community resources that are 100% no cost that WILL MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE in helping you through the COVID-19 crisis. Go through this list of community partners and see which ones may be able to help you navigate in this unprecedented time.

When going trough this list, the most updated COVID-19 information may be located on their corporate Facebook pages.  We have included those pages as well as their websites in this information.

***Please note that many of these resources are getting a lot of requests for help due to the sudden loss of so many jobs.  In speaking with every one of these organizations, they plan to serve all, but please have patience.  Also, you can make donations to anyone of these resources.  Thank you.*** 


Central Florida Community Partners


United Way

Website:  www.hfuw.org/gethelp

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HeartofFloridaUnitedWay

How they help job seekers:  By calling the agency’s help line- 211-residents of orange, Osceola and Seminole counties can help for aid to pay rent, power bills and groceries.  You are not alone. Every day, hundreds of people across Central Florida turn to 2-1-1 for information and support—whether for financial assistance, health programs, crisis support and more. 2-1-1 is free and completely confidential, available 24/7.  Mission United helps Veterans and their families. Mission United is focused on creating systemic change in the areas of education, employment and legal services for veterans.

Job Seekers:  Just another great resource to help you during a job search or even while you are employed in so many ways (2-1-1).   Mission United exists to help veterans.  Go speak with them to learn how they can help you with other programs they offer as well.  Also, they do have a lot of volunteer opportunities and many of these are great way to meet your future employer.


Career Source Central Florida

Career Source Central Florida

Website:  www.careersourcecentralflorida.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CareerSourceCF

How they help job seekers:

For over 20 years, Career Source has helped thousands for job seekers and employers find professional success.  Numerous resources to help you including training, coaching, resume writing and job listings. During COVID-19, they have numerous links to help you find resources that can help your unique situation.

Second Harvest

Second Harvest

Website:  www.feedhopenow.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FeedHopeNow

How they help job seekers:  Food Resource

Second Harvest is just an amazing operation that provides food resources for 550 feeding partners around Central Florida.  If you are in need of food, use this link to find a food partner near your residence.  https://www.feedhopenow.org/site/SPageServer/?pagename=need_food

COVID-19 Food Help Information: https://www.feedhopenow.org/site/SPageServer/?pagename=how_help_coronavirus

Job Seekers:

The Second Harvest Culinary Training Program provides qualified, at-risk and economically disadvantaged adults with the culinary and life skills training needed to pursue a sustainable career in the food industry.

This 18-week program is provided at no charge and designed to assist our students with barriers that would prevent them from achieving success while enrolled, such as lack of food, housing, transportation, childcare, and medical and mental health needs.  Information: https://www.feedhopenow.org/site/SPageServer/?pagename=how_transform_culinary_training


Catholic Charities of Central Florida

Catholic Charities of Central Florida

Website:  cflcc.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CatholicCharitiesCentralFlorida

How they help job seekers:

Catholic Charites provides numerous social services, free medical clinics, adoption services and food resources.  In addition, they provide Comprehensive Refugee Services to eligible refugees and asylum granted individuals living in Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties.

Services provided to eligible refugees and asylum granted individuals living in Orange, Osceola & Seminole Counties.



Camaraderie Foundation, Inc.

Camaraderie Foundation

Website:  www.camaraderiefoundation.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/camaraderiefoundation.org

How they help job seekers:
Camaraderie Foundation’s mission is to provide healing for invisible wounds of war through counseling, emotional and spiritual support for all branches of Military Service Members, Veterans and their families.  If you’re a veteran, they will work with you on the job search (as well as many other things) to help transfer your military skills to civilian skills.

Job Seekers:
Veterans, this is a fantastic organization designed to help you transfer back into civilian life.  They are an excellent networking group and are figuring out ways to serve during COVID-19.  Visit their website for more information.


Christian Help- Central Florida Employment Council

Christian HelpCentral Florida Employment Council

Websites:  www.cfec.org   https://www.christianhelp.org/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChristianHELP

Amazing organization that provides so much to the Central Florida community.  These organizations work together to provide job seeker coaching, job searching advice and resume help, all at no charge.  They also have a food pantry to help those in need.  





 Website:  www.idignity.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IDignityInc

IDignity was created to assist the disadvantaged in Central Florida to navigate the complexities of obtaining their personal identification, such as birth certificates, Florida ID cards, and Social Security cards. These documents are essential to fully participate in our current day society. In order to implement this program, it requires the assistance of nearly 100 dedicated volunteers and the professional staff of the various agencies. Volunteers will serve in a wide variety of roles including introducing the process to clients, filling out forms for clients, assisting agencies or shepherding clients through the process. IDignity depends on the generous investment of time and resources by the local community in order to fulfill its crucial mission of restoring dignity and hope by providing identification.

***IDignity has cancelled live events until further notice.  We decided to still include this in our community partners because the work they do for those missing credentials is so important.  Follow their website so you can be notified as soon as they begin live events.***


United Against Poverty

United Against Poverty

Website:  www.unitedagainstpoverty.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uporlando/

How they help job seekers:

UP has many programs to help low income families.  All information is on their website.  These include member share grocery program, crisis stabilization programs, education programs and job training programs.  A fantastic organization that can really help guide you through the COVID-19 crisis.


Jobs Partnership

Jobs Partnership

Website:  www.jobspartnership.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jobspartnershipfl

How they help job seekers:

Provide a very important no cost training program called LifeWorks for men and women that are underemployed, stuck in their job, or unemployed. It’s a different kind of training that opens up  whole new world of career possibilities, connecting you with the people and resources that can help prepare you for what you were created to do.

***This is a fantastic organization you have to get to know if you struggle in finding your career stride.  The next enrollment will not be until the fall, but you can follow JP on Facebook and their own website to truly understand how they can help and inspire you.  A lot of great resources posted to their Facebook page weekly to help during COVID-19.


Home Builders Institute

Home Builders Institute

Website:  www.hbi.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HBIBuildingCareers

How they help job seekers:


If you are interested in working in this industry, please visit the Home Builders Institute wesbite.  HBI is a national leader for career training in the building industry through certification programs, mentoring, pre-apprenticeship training and job placement services. HBI prepares students with the skills and experience they need for careers in the building industry.

For job seekers during COVID-19, check their Facebook page for real-time updates.  HBI just announced this week- HBI Launches Complimentary Online Learning Alternatives.


Lighthouse Central Florida

Lighthouse Central Florida

Website:  www.lighthousecfl.org

Facebook: www.facebook.com/LighthouseCentralFlorida

How they help:  Provide services to anyone with vision loss. Transportation, training, job assistance and so much more.  Follow their Facebook for real time COVID-19 messages. 

Most recently, Freedom Scientific is offering JAWS, ZoomText, and Fusion free of charge for personal computers at home until June 2020.