“I’ve Never Been Happier In A Job!”
In this installment of Orlando Works, we spoke with Amanda Miro, lead instructor for the pre-calculus/calculus department at Florida Virtual School. She shares how teaching can foster a positive community for her students and gives us a look into the impact FLVS had on education during the pandemic.
Article by Brianna Toawicha | Photos by Lennyn Garcia
Amanda Miro is confident that her devotion to her students is just one of the extraordinary ways teaching can foster a community in an online classroom setting. Miro is the lead instructor for the pre-calculus/calculus department at Florida Virtual School (FLVS). Her passion for teaching math shines through as she explains why she chose to work for FLVS and what she loves most about her job.
“One of the perks about FLVS is that we don’t have to lesson plan, as our curriculum is already created by our curriculum design team. That way, I can spend more time providing resources and instruction to each of my students individually. I love it here. I’m never leaving. I’ve never been happier in a job!”
The genuine fondness Miro has for educating her students is apparent as she details a time when she felt most fulfilled at her job.
“I get to work in a class with a content level that a lot of students struggle with, which is math – specifically pre-calculus and calculus. Once, during an initial phone call I had with a student, she told me ‘I’m really not good at math I don’t even know if I can do this.’ Helping her through the course and seeing her succeed was one of the most fulfilling moments. “
Miro leaves work every day knowing she’s making an active difference in her students’ lives at FLVS. Despite the challenges everyone experienced during the pandemic, she remained sanguine and found creative ways to encourage and engage with her students while learning online.
“It was more important than ever to meet our students where they were during the pandemic. Last year, many of our students were new to online learning, and our entire FLVS team worked together to help them academically, as well as emotionally since they were adapting to so much change.
Miro also shared helpful tips and advice for anyone wanting to teach. “Go above and beyond for your students and don’t be afraid to be different.” To gain experience, she says, “internships and summer camps” are very beneficial.
Miro‘s love for what she does at FLVS is a delineation of the difference FLVS is making through education and the incomparable work environment they provide.
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The OrlandoWorks Photo Project is aimed at raising awareness of the amazing employers in our Orlando community, by highlighting company culture and showcasing the people who make the company a great place to work. Through the OrlandoWorks Photo Project, we will share the stories of employers in Orlando through the eyes of the employees.