Three LinkedIn Profile Changes Job Seekers MUST Make in a Post Covid 2022

Like all social media, those who stand out (which means they have optimized profiles) are the ones that usually get the interviews. Also, never forget that 90% of all recruiters (companies and third-party recruiters) search LinkedIn every day looking for your optimized profile. In a post covid hiring world, it is time to tweak your profile. Here is what you need to know.

Three LinkedIn Profile Changes Job Seekers MUST Make in a Post Covid 2022

Like all social media, those who stand out (which means they have optimized profiles) are the ones that usually get the interviews. Also, never forget that 90% of all recruiters (companies and third-party recruiters) search LinkedIn every day looking for your optimized profile. In a post covid hiring world, it is time to tweak your profile. Here is what you need to know.