Over 115 Employers and 7,000 Jobs Come to Amway Center on August 12th for HIREPALOOZA Job Fair

OrlandoJobs.com HIREPALOOZA, Central Florida’s largest in-person career fair, features over 115 employers with over 7,000 open jobs and comes to the Amway Center on August 12, 2022. This job fair will also feature career education seminars, free professional headshots, resume reviews, and local community career resource partners. The event is free to all job seekers.
“Post-Covid hiring continues as employers have more jobs than people looking,” states Roger Lear, President of OrlandoJobs.com. “If you are a job seeker in almost any sector or looking to change jobs, you have the opportunity to meet over 100 employers face to face and make an impression you cannot do online.”

 ” If you are a job seeker looking for a great job or looking for a better job, over 100 employers need you, and you will get to meet them face to face at this job fair. Find a great job that pays well!” Roger Lear, President of OrlandoJobs.com















Hire Palooza is a career event that features career expert seminars, free resume reviews, and professional headshots. Our community partner sections feature organizations like Jobs Partnership and HBI that provide free training and jobs for anyone looking for a career change. Meet companies like Jet Blue, Universal Orlando Resort, Toho Water Authority, Celebration Restaurant Group, Florida Blue, City of Orlando, Full Sail, Walt Disney World, University of Central Florida, and many more. 
“Anytime you get over 100 quality companies with human recruiters in the same place who all are hiring immediately, it becomes the perfect formula for anyone looking for a job to get one instead of applying online and waiting to hear back,” states Lear. “On top of that, many of the companies participating may be a company that you never heard of, and many of these companies have excellent career paths.”


Information about Hire Palooza can be found at www.
OrlandoJobs.com/jobfair.   This event is free and open to the public with free parking in the GEICO Garage. Job seekers are strongly encouraged to register for the event ahead of time and upload their resumes for employers to access.  The job fair hours are 11 am-3 pm at the beautiful Amway Center.