For many job seekers, getting an interview is like fishing. You throw resume bait to many employers with job openings, then sit back and wait to see if anyone bites. When you get the call for an interview, it’s an exciting and nerve-wracking moment in your career journey. While you might have the skills and qualifications to succeed in the role, there are common mistakes that job seekers often make during interviews without even realizing it. These mistakes can hinder your chances of getting the job. Here are four mistakes job seekers make.
- Not communicating how you can add value to the company. All jobs at any company touch company revenue in one way or another. Sure, salespeople are front-facing and get the credit for bringing in a lot of the money. However, every job has a monetary component. In the interview, you must let the interviewer know how your skills will add to the company’s revenue. There are many ways to showcase this if you are outside sales. Cost savings programs you were involved in, revenue-generating projects, process improvements, and reaching company goals or completing company projects through the teams you were involved in.
- You are not asking questions. Usually, at the end of an interview, the employer may ask you if you have any questions for them. If you think this is a job you want, you MUST ask this question. Ask, “I do have a question. Can you tell me what the top performer in this role did that separated them from an average worker”? This will not only impress the employer, but they will also share some secrets of what they look for in an excellent candidate. This can open up some fantastic conversation.
- Rambling on about your background that has nothing to do with the job. If you have a lot of experience in different positions and companies, you must focus on just talking about the skills needed precisely for the job you are trying to get. This can be hard to do. Preparation and practice before the interview is critical. Understand what the employer is looking for. Go through each job and select only your experience directly related to the position. When interviewing, use examples of these precise skills, and you will have fantastic results.
- Be happy. Smiles go a long way. Interviewing can be challenging, but employers in today’s job market are not only looking for skills but, even more importantly, your soft skills. For me, it all starts with a smile. From there, you can showcase your soft skills by your enthusiasm and attitude throughout the interview. Employers like fun, energetic people, and in today’s tight labor market, many are hiring soft skills and then training you on everything else.
You will have an excellent interview if you take these four ideas to heart. Good luck, and please let us know if you have any questions.