How to Make Money as a Bartender

This post was originally published on this site.

To become a bartender, you don’t necessarily need formal education. However, you should attend bartending school or training programs if you can. While these programs aren’t mandatory, they can be highly beneficial for aspiring bartenders.

Attend a Bartending School

Bartending schools provide you with a structured environment to learn the essential techniques, cocktail recipes, and customer service skills needed for the job. Additionally, they often offer hands-on experience, which can be valuable in building your confidence and expertise. So, while formal education isn’t a strict requirement, it can give you a competitive edge and help kickstart your bartending career.

Memorize Common Recipes

You will learn several drink recipes during your bartending training. Thus, you need to memorize the most common ones. A bartender should not be caught in two minds when mixing cocktails or serving drinks to customers. Thus, memorizing common recipes is a fundamental step in becoming a competent bartender.

When customers order popular cocktails like the Martini, Margarita, or Mojito, they expect a certain standard and taste consistency. Knowing these recipes by heart ensures that you can quickly and accurately prepare these drinks, maintaining both the quality and the efficiency of your service.


Constant practice begets perfection. This is why you need to practice your bartending skills constantly. To do this effectively, you may need your personal bartending kits, including shakers, jiggers, and various glassware. Practicing your craft is an essential step in becoming a skilled bartender.

Practicing your bartending skills helps you refine your cocktail-making techniques and enhances your speed and efficiency behind the bar. As you repetitively mix drinks and experiment with different recipes, you become more confident in your abilities, allowing you to serve customers with precision and professionalism.

Moreover, practice allows you to develop muscle memory, making it easier to pour accurate measurements and create consistent cocktails. This consistency is crucial in maintaining the quality and taste of the drinks you serve, which, in turn, leads to satisfied customers and potentially higher tips.

Gain Hands-on Experience

With its structured lessons and theoretical knowledge, bartending school can be a promising start on your journey to becoming a bartender. However, it’s essential to recognize that it’s not a one-stop solution to securing a bartending job. In the real world of bartending, you’ll often find yourself in scenarios that no classroom can fully prepare you for.

One of the most significant disparities lies in handling real-world situations. While bartending school can teach you how to mix drinks and master mixology, it can’t simulate the experience of handling a tough crowd of thirsty customers. The unpredictability of customer behavior, their demands, and the occasional challenging situations that arise require a different set of skills. You should consider working as a server or barback to gain experience. You may find a bartender willing to take you under their wing during this period.

Bartending Licensing and Certification

Bartenders do not need a certification to work in most states. However, some states do require bartenders to have a license, which typically requires passing a written exam on alcohol laws and bartending practices. For example, bartenders in Texas only need the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission certification to bartend in the state. The requirement may vary significantly from state to state, so research and ensure you comply with the specific regulations in your location.

How to Start Bartending

After attending bartending school and gaining experience as a barback, the next step in landing your first bartending job is to strategically apply and interview for bartender positions.

  • Target the Right Establishments: Focus your job search on bars, restaurants, or venues where you’d like to work. Look for places that align with your experience and the type of bartending you want to do as a side hustle.
  • Submit a Tailored Resume and Cover Letter: Create a professional resume highlighting your bartending school attendance, barback experience, and relevant skills. Craft a compelling cover letter expressing your enthusiasm for bartending and your readiness to transition into a bartending role.
  • Leverage Your Network: Reach out to connections you’ve made during bartending school, as well as any experienced bartenders or industry professionals you’ve met. They might be aware of job openings or able to provide valuable recommendations.
  • Prepare for Interviews: Study common bartender interview questions and practice your responses. Be ready to discuss your mixology skills, customer service abilities, and your previous experience as a barback.
  • Demonstrate Your Skills: During interviews or working interviews, showcase your bartending knowledge, confidence, and professionalism. Be prepared to mix drinks, interact with potential employers, and handle tasks related to bartending.

Types of Bartending Gigs

Throughout the early stages of learning the ropes of bartending, you will notice subtle differences in the types of bartending gigs available, each offering unique experiences and opportunities. These distinctions go beyond just the variety of drinks you’ll be mixing. Here, we delve into the various bartending roles you might encounter and how they can shape your bartending journey:

Pub or Local Bar

At a pub or local bar, you’ll find a sense of community and familiarity. Regular patrons often become like family, and you’ll have the chance to build strong relationships. Bartending here typically involves serving a range of classic drinks and beers. The casual and relaxed atmosphere makes it a great place to hone your interpersonal skills. Pubs and local bars often have a steady stream of regulars, ensuring a stable income source.


Working in a nightclub is all about the fast-paced nightlife experience. Expect late nights, energetic crowds, and high-energy music. The income potential in nightclubs can be substantial, thanks to generous tips and large crowds, especially on weekends. However, the work can be physically and emotionally demanding due to the late hours and dealing with intoxicated patrons.


In a restaurant, bartenders often work more predictable hours, with shifts typically aligning with meal times. You’ll have the opportunity to create a variety of cocktails and may also serve food. The pace is generally slower, allowing for more extensive customer interactions. While tip rates may be consistent, they might be lower compared to bars or nightclubs.

Catering and Events

Bartending for catering or events can be an adventurous experience. You’ll work in diverse locations, from weddings to corporate gatherings. While schedules can vary based on event bookings, private events like weddings often offer excellent pay, including gratuities. However, this role can be physically demanding, involving heavy lifting and setup.

Mobile or Private Bartending

Choosing to operate as a mobile or private bartender offers the ultimate flexibility. You can set your own hours and select your clients, providing an ideal work-life balance. Rates for private parties and special events tend to be higher, but this path requires entrepreneurial skills and self-promotion.

How to Be a Good Bartender

You don’t just want to be a bartender; you want to be a good one. To be a good bartender, it’s not enough to merely pour drinks. You must cultivate a unique blend of skills and qualities that elevate your craft. It’s about mastering mixology, providing exceptional customer service, remaining calm under pressure, and continuously refining your abilities.

A good bartender isn’t just a drink maker; they are a host, a problem solver, and a creator of memorable experiences for their patrons. Here are the most important qualities for success:

  • Exceptional Customer Service: Providing outstanding customer service is at the core of bartending. Successful bartenders are friendly, approachable, and attentive to customers’ needs. They make patrons feel welcome and valued, leading to repeat business and generous tips.
  • Mixology Mastery: A deep understanding of mixology, including the ability to craft a wide range of cocktails, is crucial. Successful bartenders create consistently delicious drinks, experiment with new recipes, and adapt to customers’ preferences.
  • Communication Skills: Effective communication is essential for taking drink orders, interacting with patrons, and collaborating with colleagues. Bartenders should be able to engage in friendly conversations, handle customer inquiries, and diffuse tense situations when necessary. Learn de-escalation techniques to defuse potentially volatile situations. This might involve using a soothing tone, offering alternatives, or suggesting a break from alcohol consumption.
  • Time Management: The fast-paced nature of bartending requires strong time management skills. Successful bartenders can juggle multiple tasks, such as preparing drinks, serving customers, and managing cash transactions, all while maintaining efficiency.
  • Knowledge of Alcohol Laws: Complying with local and state alcohol laws is essential. Successful bartenders are well-versed in responsible alcohol service, including checking IDs, refusing service to intoxicated patrons, and adhering to legal drinking age restrictions.
  • Attention to Detail: Attention to detail is crucial when preparing drinks to ensure accuracy, consistency, and presentation. Successful bartenders take pride in their work, ensuring that every cocktail is well-crafted and visually appealing.
  • Multitasking Skills: Bartenders often handle multiple orders simultaneously. Successful bartenders can multitask efficiently, ensuring that all customers are served promptly and accurately.