Smoking Weed and Drinking an Energy Drink? – Good Idea or Better Not Do That?

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Why You Shouldn’t Mix Cannabis With Energy Drinks – A Dangerous Interaction You Should Avoid

It’s surprising how popular energy drinks still are.

Different forms of energy drinks have been around for centuries, but it wasn’t until the 1960’s when Japan developed the first range of modern energy drinks. Fast-forward to several decades later, and various energy drinks are still widely developed and consumed all over the United States. These drinks have been valued by customers for its supposed claims of increasing mental and physical energy, or giving one a much-needed energy boost that caffeine alone apparently can’t do.

Energy drinks are made with a mix of ingredients; of course, they differ according to brand and formulation but they usually contain a combination of the followings stimulating ingredients: caffeine, vitamins, sugar, herbal extracts, guarana, ginseng, and taurine. These drinks target young adults, typically between 18 to 28 years of age though they are also widely consumed by older adults aged 26-39. This demographic is associated with college or grad school students, busy office workers, entrepreneurs
 likely the type of individuals who can benefit from extra energy and endurance for lives that are demanding both mentally and physically.

That said, energy drinks aren’t always safe. There has been a notable rise in emergency room visits due to energy drink usage.

After all, it’s no secret that energy drinks are notorious for their potential danger. The excessive amount of stimulants and sugar in one drink can be dangerous, especially when combined with sedatives – including cannabis.

Why Is Mixing Red Bull With Weed Dangerous?

Combining sedatives or relaxants, such as weed, with caffeine – isn’t anything new. In fact, so many people make it part of their morning routine: wake and bake.

Wake up, light up a bowl, and enjoy a cup of coffee before you go on to start your day. There’s nothing wrong with that, in fact many enjoy the combination provided that it’s done in moderation. Some people even mix weed into their coffee, such as by dropping cannabis oil with a cup of joe.

This is even referred to as a speedball, or specifically, the Seattle speedball. Many entrepreneurs, artists, and creative types benefit from this type of combination because weed and coffee get them to the state they need to be productive.

However, the caffeine in coffee is so much lower compared to the stimulants contained in energy drinks.

Can cannbais replace your 5-hour energy shot or Monster energy drink?

Just imagine how dangerous energy drinks could be when a few sips alone can already send you to the emergency room and possibly cause a heart attack. Imagine mixing it with a downer like alcohol, or a relaxing substance like weed. Well, depending on what strain you smoke – some weed strains are a stimulant, especially if you are consuming sativa or sativa-dominant strains. In some cases, weed can also cause palpitations on its own. It really depends on your tolerance as well as many other factors.

Cardiovascular issues and possible heart attacks

Red Bull, for example, contains around 80 mg of caffeine. Meanwhile, one serving of coffee yields around 40 to 100 mg of caffeine depending on the size. Red Bull contains an unusually high amount of caffeine but that’s not all: it also contains other stimulants that can quite literally get your heart racing.

Meanwhile, cannabis induces a psychoactive state which can cause either inhibition or stimulation depending on the strain and amount smoked, combining both substances together can result in severely high heart rate, paranoia, anxiety, headaches, dizziness, high blood pressure, and confusion.

In addition, both substances may also heighten the side effects of both caffeine and the THC in marijuana. According to studies, this is because the cannabinoid system and the adenosine system in the human body can interact as a result of consuming caffeine and weed. We can’t emphasize the risk of heart problems enough when you consume energy drinks; these beverages are notorious at quickly increasing one’s blood pressure to unhealthy levels, and sometimes, this can be fatal.

Other possible side effects

Mixing weed and energy drinks can also result in other unwanted side effects. For one, it can affect your sleep. Caffeine in high doses, especially in the form of energy drinks, can make it much harder to fall and stay asleep especially when consumed later in the day.

Furthermore, these stimulants can upset your stomach. It can cause nausea, acid reflux, or diarrhea particularly when consumed together for long periods of time.

For individuals with existing health problems

Anyone who already has pre-existing health problems and complications, such as high blood pressure, history of cardiovascular disease, or just about anything – just stay away from energy drinks completely. Mixing it with weed shouldn’t even be considered at all. Both substances can exert severe pressure on the human body and result in unwanted side effects.


Always listen to your doctor or a health care professional. If your desire to explore the world of energy drinks is out of desperation for more mental or physical energy, remember that there are many other healthier alternatives. For example, you can consider integrating matcha, green tea, fresh coconut water, and yerba mate into your diet. Exercising more, getting proper sleep, and eating well can all have a tremendous impact on your energy. The right marijuana strains can help, too.

The bottom line is that mixing energy drinks with weed can be a fatal and risky mistake. Toss the energy drinks and stick to weed, with healthier alternatives. Last but not least: consult your doctor.