This post was originally published on this site.
With nearly 10,000 jobs at nonprofits, social enterprises, and government agencies around the world, we think we’ve got a pretty comprehensive database of opportunities. At the same time, we know that many employers search and hire locally, making job boards that focus on particular countries and communities incredibly valuable. To that end, we’ve put together a list of websites that share job opportunities in different countries and in different states. As always, you can search our site in Spanish and Portuguese.
Jobs posted in multiple countries
- Association for Women’s Rights in Development job listings
- Career Nation Many nonprofit jobs in Africa
- Craigslist Search for jobs in the nonprofit sector and within the city or country sub-site you want
- Listings from UN agencies, NGOs, and other international development groups
- DevNetJobs An international mailing list for announcing jobs related to microfinance, poverty alleviation, health, population, natural resource management, agriculture, and economic development
- The Development Executive Group (Devex)
- Eurobrussels Check out the category for NGOs and international organizations
- Haces Falta In Spanish, this site has jobs from Latin America, Spain, and a few African countries
- A database of job vacancies at international organizations
- Large job site for several countries in South and Southeast Asia; see the Social Services specialization in particular
- Museum Jobs International work in museums and galleries
- NGO Box Features job, internship, fellowship and fund information. It focuses on South Asia and South-East Asia
- Pacific Island jobs Lists environmental and sustainability positions in the Oceania region
- ReliefWeb Humanitarian Vacancies Listings from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
- Reuters Foundation Humanitarian and disaster relief positions
- A leading internet higher education job marketplace
- Third Sector Charity jobs all over the United Kingdom, plus an international jobs section
- Total Jobs
- United Nations Office of Human Resources
Country-specific job search resources
Jobs in Australia
Jobs in Canada
Jobs in Chile
Jobs in Estonia
Jobs in France
Jobs in Germany
Jobs in India
Jobs in Ireland
Job Stuff Look under the Education and Training category
Jobs in Slovakia
Jobs in South Africa
Jobs in Switzerland
Jobs in Thailand
Jobs in Uganda
- Uganda Jobline Find a variety of jobs with international humanitarian organizations
Jobs in the United Kingdom
Jobs in Vietnam
- Vietnam Works The category for NGO/nonprofit has a variety of jobs