AI Set to Transform UK Job Market: 610,000 New Roles by 2028 – About Insider

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According to a new study by ServiceNow, artificial intelligence (AI) is on the verge of reshaping the UK job market, potentially creating 610,000 new roles by 2028. This research, which analyzed data from various work sectors using machine learning, highlights how advancements in AI will impact different industries while also acknowledging the challenges that come with them.

AI is expected to drive significant growth in technology, media, and telecommunications sectors, which could account for 320,000 new roles by 2029. These industries are already embracing AI for automation, digital transformation, and customer experience innovations. Meanwhile, other fields like education and healthcare are poised to benefit as well, with 190,000 and 90,000 new roles expected, respectively.

The report outlines how AI-driven technologies will require constant development and maintenance, creating roles for system administrators, developers, and data engineers.

However, not all sectors will thrive in this AI-driven future. The research points out that retail could lose 240,000 jobs by 2028 as automation and AI reduce the need for traditional roles. Manufacturing (90,000) and financial services (50,000) are also at risk of significant job cuts. The report stresses that AI presents exciting opportunities and poses challenges for industries heavily reliant on manual labor and routine tasks.

Beyond job creation, the report highlights how AI could unlock new levels of productivity for workers. In the technology sector, for example, system administrators could gain up to 12.6 hours per week through AI-assisted processes, allowing them to focus on higher-level tasks. These productivity gains can be transformative for businesses, enhancing operational efficiency and decision-making.

With AI’s growing influence, there is a clear need for upskilling to meet the demands of the evolving job market. Roles in computer and information system management, software development, and data engineering will be in high demand. ServiceNow suggests that workers who focus on these areas will be well-positioned for the future.

Globally, the workforce is expected to grow due to AI, except for countries like Germany and Japan, where ageing populations may limit growth. ServiceNow’s report aims to dispel fears that AI will eliminate jobs entirely. Instead, the study suggests that the technology will shift workforce dynamics, creating new opportunities in emerging markets.