Where are the AI guardrails? | News, Sports, Jobs – The Vindicator

This post was originally published on this site.




Let’s all take a break momentarily from mudslinging and address an issue that’s being completely overshadowed by the presidential election.

Salvos have been launched from both parties regarding AI and its less-than-savory capabilities to manipulate audio and video, but that is a topic for another time.

What I find disturbing is a complete lack of guardrails regarding its use in any capacity. Back when the internet was a novelty, it too had no guardrails but was quickly rectified with legislation regarding what is/is not permissible. However, I have as of yet to hear of any moves for legislation regarding the use of AI which seems far more dangerous than text and hyperlinks found mostly on university and Geocities servers.

In my opinion, until we have sensible guardrails in place for its use and penalties for misuse, we need to slow or pause further development. We also need to prohibit its use outright in our courtrooms, operating theaters, and HR departments. As long as implicit bias toward minorities, the disabled, members of the LGBTQ+ community and other protected / marginalized individuals exists in even one developer’s mind, this technology can and will be used as ways to deny justice, treatment, or employment to thousands if not millions.



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