AI supercomputer determines which jobs suit your zodiac sign – Edinburgh News

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Our supercomputer has determined the perfect career paths for each zodiac sign ✨

  • Many people rely on astrology it for personal guidance and career direction
  • We used AI to determine which careers best align with each zodiac sign’s traits and strengths
  • Each zodiac sign has unique qualities that make them suited for specific jobs, from Aries’ leadership roles to Pisces’ creative professions

Astrology has long been used to give insight into people’s personalities, strengths and life paths.

While its scientific legitimacy remains a topic of great debate, countless individuals continue to find meaning and guidance in the stars.

Whether it’s for personal growth, relationship advice or even career direction many people swear by the wisdom of their star signs.

So, which jobs are best suited to each sign? We may not be astrologers ourselves, but we’ve tapped into the power of advanced AI (read: ChatGPT) to analyse the attributes and tendencies associated with each zodiac sign.

For full transparency, the prompt we inputted into ChatGPT was as follows:

“What are the best jobs for your star sign? Go through each of the 12 signs of the zodiac, and using the traits, personality types and attributes commonly assigned to people who fall into each one, suggest which types of jobs they would best be suited for.”

Here’s what ChatGPT suggested in its new role as celestial employment counsellor:

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Aries (21 March – 19 April)

Traits: Dynamic, courageous, competitive, natural leader

Aries, a fire sign ruled by Mars, is known for its energy, enthusiasm and boldness. People born under Aries are competitive and thrive in fast-paced environments. They love challenges and are always ready to take the lead.

  • Entrepreneur: With a passion for leadership and a risk-taking nature, Aries thrives as a business owner.
  • Athlete or Personal Trainer: Their competitive spirit and energy make them excel in sports or fitness coaching.
  • Emergency Services: Roles such as firefighter or paramedic allow them to handle pressure and action.
  • Military Officer or Police Officer: Their courage and need for excitement make them ideal for these high-pressure jobs.

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

Traits: Reliable, patient, practical, love of luxury and beauty

Taurus, an earth sign ruled by Venus, is practical and enjoys stability and comfort. They are known for their patience, reliability and deep appreciation for beauty, making them great in roles that require consistency and attention to aesthetics.

  • Banking or Financial Advisor: Taurus values security and is excellent at managing money.
  • Interior Designer or Architect: Their love for beauty and practical skills are well-suited to design.
  • Chef or Food Critic: Taurus loves indulging the senses, and their patience makes them great in culinary arts.
  • Real Estate Agent: Their knowledge of value and aesthetics fits perfectly in real estate.

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

Traits: Adaptable, communicative, curious, quick-witted

Gemini, an air sign ruled by Mercury, is known for its intellectual curiosity and communication skills. Geminis are versatile and enjoy jobs that provide variety and mental stimulation. They need constant interaction and are excellent at juggling multiple projects.

  • Journalist or Writer: Their love for storytelling and curiosity fits well with writing or journalism.
  • Teacher or Professor: Geminis love sharing knowledge, especially in subjects that keep them learning.
  • Public Relations or Marketing Specialist: Their communication skills shine in roles that require messaging and adaptability.
  • Sales Representative: Their gift of gab makes them natural salespeople, where charm and wit pay off.

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

Traits: Nurturing, empathetic, intuitive, protective

Cancer, a water sign ruled by the Moon, is deeply emotional, empathetic and protective. They are natural caregivers and often find fulfilment in helping others. Cancers thrive in roles that allow them to nurture and create secure environments.

  • Nurse or Healthcare Worker: Their caring nature makes them perfect for healthcare roles.
  • Therapist or Counsellor: Cancer’s empathy and intuition allow them to deeply understand and help others.
  • Teacher or Childcare Worker: Their nurturing tendencies make them excel in working with children.
  • Social Worker: Cancers thrive in roles where they can protect and advocate for vulnerable populations.

Leo (23 July – 22 August)

Traits: Charismatic, confident, creative, leadership qualities

Leo, a fire sign ruled by the Sun, is known for its confidence, charisma and desire to be in the spotlight. Leos are natural leaders and have a flair for the dramatic, making them perfect for creative or high-profile roles.

  • Actor or Performer: Leos love the limelight and are naturally talented entertainers.
  • CEO or Manager: Their leadership skills make them great at overseeing others and making bold decisions.
  • Event Planner: Leo’s creativity and flair for drama make them great at organising events.
  • Public Speaker or Motivational Coach: Their confidence and charisma make them inspiring figures.

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

Traits: Analytical, detail-oriented, practical, perfectionistic

Virgo, an earth sign ruled by Mercury, is known for its precision, analytical thinking and attention to detail. Virgos thrive in roles that require organisation, analysis and a meticulous approach.

  • Editor or Writer: Their attention to detail and love for structure makes them great editors.
  • Data Analyst or Researcher: Virgo’s analytical mind fits perfectly in research or data-focused roles.
  • Doctor or Medical Professional: Their perfectionism and dedication to health make them excellent medical professionals.
  • Accountant or Auditor: Virgos excel in roles that require precision with numbers and organisation.

Libra (23 September – 22 October)

Traits: Diplomatic, charming, artistic, loves balance

Libra, an air sign ruled by Venus, is all about harmony, balance and beauty. They are diplomatic, good at resolving conflicts and have an eye for aesthetics. Libras thrive in roles where they can mediate, collaborate or express their artistic side.

  • Lawyer or Mediator: Libra’s diplomatic nature makes them great at resolving conflicts and finding balance.
  • Fashion Designer or Stylist: Their sense of beauty and love for balance fits well in the fashion world.
  • Human Resources: Their people skills and desire for fairness make them great in HR roles.
  • Art Director or Curator: Libras excel in artistic fields where they can create or curate beautiful experiences.

Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

Traits: Intense, determined, mysterious, investigative

Scorpio, a water sign ruled by Pluto and Mars, is intense, passionate and thrives on deep investigation. Scorpios are determined, resourceful and love uncovering the truth, making them perfect for roles that involve solving mysteries or delving into the unknown.

  • Detective or Investigator: Scorpio’s natural ability to uncover secrets makes them excel in investigative roles.
  • Psychologist or Therapist: They thrive in jobs that require understanding the depths of the human mind.
  • Research Scientist: Their love for uncovering the truth and focus makes them great researchers.
  • Surgeon: Scorpios are well-suited for high-pressure roles like surgery, where precision and focus are key.

Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

Traits: Adventurous, optimistic, independent, philosophical

Sagittarius, a fire sign ruled by Jupiter, is all about exploration, adventure and expanding horizons. They love freedom and intellectual pursuits, making them suited to jobs that allow travel, teaching or philosophical exploration.

  • Travel Writer or Photographer: Sagittarius thrives in careers that allow them to explore new places.
  • Professor or Philosopher: Their love for learning and sharing ideas fits well in academia.
  • Tour Guide or Flight Attendant: Sagittarians love travel and experiencing new cultures.
  • Marketing or Advertising: Their optimism and creativity make them great at coming up with new ideas.

Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

Traits: Ambitious, disciplined, practical, goal-oriented

Capricorn, an earth sign ruled by Saturn, is known for its discipline, ambition and practicality. Capricorns are hardworking and goal-oriented, excelling in roles that require structure, responsibility and leadership.

  • CEO or Manager: Their discipline and leadership skills make them great at managing large teams or companies.
  • Engineer or Architect: Capricorns excel in structured, detail-oriented careers.
  • Financial Planner or Analyst: Their practical nature makes them great at financial planning and analysis.
  • Lawyer or Judge: Capricorns’ sense of responsibility and ambition suits them for roles in law.

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

Traits: Innovative, humanitarian, independent, forward-thinking

Aquarius, an air sign ruled by Uranus and Saturn, is known for its progressive, independent nature and love for innovation. Aquarians thrive in roles that involve technology, innovation or social causes.

  • Inventor or Engineer: Aquarians are natural innovators and excel in tech or engineering fields.
  • Activist or Social Worker: Their humanitarian spirit drives them to advocate for social change.
  • Scientist or Researcher: Aquarians excel in research, especially in cutting-edge fields like space or AI.
  • Tech Entrepreneur: Their creativity and forward-thinking attitude make them perfect for starting new tech ventures.

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

Traits: Creative, empathetic, intuitive, spiritual

Pisces, a water sign ruled by Neptune and Jupiter, is imaginative, empathetic and deeply intuitive. Pisceans often excel in creative or spiritual roles, where they can channel their deep emotions and vivid imaginations.

  • Artist or Musician: Pisces’ creativity and emotional depth make them natural artists.
  • Psychic or Spiritual Healer: Their strong intuition and empathetic nature are well-suited for roles that involve spiritual guidance.
  • Writer or Poet: Pisces’ ability to convey complex emotions and imaginative ideas makes them excellent writers and poets.
  • Counsellor or Therapist: With their deep empathy and understanding of others’ feelings, Pisces are effective in roles that involve helping people.

Are you job-hunting? To view thousands of roles available right now, visit the JobsToday website.