Epic’s Approach to AI with Sean McGunigal, Director of AI at Epic – Healthcare IT Today

This post was originally published on this site.

As long time readers will know, we were happy to be able to take part in the Epic UGM conference in Verona, WI this year.  If you missed it, be sure to check out all the Epic UGM announcements that we covered.  In that article, we kind of glossed over the fact that Epic was working on over 100 AI projects.  We did that partially because Epic didn’t put too much focus on it in their UGM keynote.  However, it was clear that AI was going to be an integral part of many of the things that Epic was doing going forward.  With that in mind, we wanted to learn more about Epic’s approach to AI, so we sat down with Sean McGunigal, Director of Artificial Intelligence at Epic during the user conference.

In the interview below, McGunigal shared how AI has impacted Epic’s roadmap and a feel for how much of Epic’s AI work has gone live in healthcare organizations.  Plus, we asked him about how Epic is approaching implementing AI into their products.

McGunigal also shared with us some of the big AI announcments that were happening at UGM and the one that he was most excited about.  I was a bit surprised that the one he was most excited about had to do with the ability to lower the cost of AI.  It definitely spoke to the culture of Epic to not just implement technology, but to make sure that they could implement technology in a way that would be cost effective.

We also asked McGunigal about how Epic approaches the age old question of building or integrating an AI product themselves versus partnering with outside vendors’ AI solutions.  Plus, he shares with us the best story he’s heard from a client or patient about the impact of AI.  Finally, we ask him to pull out his crystal ball and see if we really have any clue on where AI is headed in healthcare since it’s moving so fast.

Check out the video interview below to learn more about Epic’s approach to AI.

Learn more about Epic: https://www.epic.com/

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