10 New AI Remote Jobs Hiring Now In 2024 – Forbes

This post was originally published on this site.

Did you know that AI has the potential to add between $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion to the economy every year?

This was the remarkable revelation uncovered from McKinsey’s research on the economic potential of artificial intelligence, which analyzed more than 60 use cases for AI in the workplace. The research also revealed that if AI is embedded into software that is used beyond these use cases, the financial impact would double.

Artificial intelligence holds a pivotal role in shaping jobs, remote work, careers, and the global economy, but for it to be leveraged effectively, it needs the human touch. That’s why new jobs are springing out of the ground, as it were, so that humans can add their input, and control and train AI and large language models.

10 New Work-From-Home AI Jobs

Here are some new jobs—all of which can be remote—that have been created as a direct result of AI implementation:

  1. Responsible Al advisor specialist (remote)
  2. Remote Al artist engineer
  3. Remote AI consultant
  4. Remote AI research scientist
  5. Remote AI solutions analyst
  6. Remote prompt engineer
  7. Remote interpersonal skills coach (this might not exactly be new but the need has become agitated due to technology)
  8. Remote AI compliance manager/officer/specialist
  9. Remote AI instructor
  10. And finally, the newest addition to the C-suite—Chief AI Officer

But with new jobs, arises the need for a fresh breed of skills.

Experts project that the skills we need to perform our roles will change by as much as 50% by 2030—with Generative AI expected to accelerate this change even further. But according to LinkedIn economists, it won’t take until 2030 to begin realizing the effects of AI on the labor market—in fact, we’re already seeing it with the creation of new AI-focused roles across all industries—not just tech.

Researchers and economists at LinkedIn such as Dr. Kory Kantenga, head of economics for the Americas, predict that AI literacy skills could help you land a job even faster—especially given that AI is creating jobs.

Shockingly, in the latest Work Trend Index released by Microsoft in collaboration with LinkedIn, 66% of leaders say they wouldn’t hire someone who did not possess AI skills, while 71% expressed that they would rather hire a less experienced candidate with AI literacy skills, than a more experienced candidate without them.

How To Learn AI Skills To Land An AI Job

The number of LinkedIn members globally gaining AI literacy and adding AI skills such as ChatGPT and Copilot to their profiles, has surged by 142%. Professionals everywhere are beginning to recognize the value of AI literacy, and are using their AI skills to make money online, work from home in high-paying remote jobs, and even start freelancing.

You can gain a broad range of AI skills that will be useful for your career path, by undertaking free and relatively low-cost courses online, such as from Salesforce’s Trailhead, Codeacademy, LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, and Google.

It’s important to keep practicing and experimenting with AI tools, applications, and use cases unique to your role and industry, find and join networking groups with similar enthusiasts passionate about continuous growth and development, and jump to the chance of obtaining AI skills training where you can, if this is possible at your current employer.

By 2030, you’ll emerge AI-confident, ready to add significant value to your industry, your career, and the employer you work with.