How you can land your dream job: Top tips from a career expert – Yahoo Finance

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The first battle in getting your resume seen by a recruiter can often be getting through the company’s AI system. 77% of organizations plan to increase their use of an AI tool in hiring in the upcoming year, according to a new report from Workday. Eliana Goldstein Coaching founder Eliana Goldstein joins Wealth! to discuss how you can best navigate a job hunt, sharing her top tips for nailing your dream job.

“We’re obviously in a time in the job market where, from a job seeker’s perspective, there is just not a lot of availability out there, but there are quite a lot of people looking. So it’s a bit of a supply and demand issue, which means that when jobs are getting posted, there are so many people applying for those jobs. And as a recruiter, it’s virtually impossible to be able to go through all of those. So AI is obviously very helpful,” Goldstein tells Yahoo Finance.

She encourages job seekers to utilize AI when applying to open positions, allowing platforms like ChatGPT to help you craft a resume that caters to the job description. She notes that the technology can also be used for things like interview prep to drafting networking messages.

While AI is an incredibly helpful tool, Goldstein notes that having an established network is even more crucial. “When we think about really developing that network, number one, think about the low-hanging fruit, people that you’re already connected with. But don’t stop there, which is where most people stop. It’s about facilitating and developing a new network, so using tools like LinkedIn to identify people in the roles and at the companies that you want for yourself,” Goldstein explains.

For job seekers looking to pivot, she stresses the importance of being able to “brand and market yourself and be able to highlight those transferable skills.” Goldstein adds that AI can help customize a resume for a career pivot, highlighting transferrable skills and tailoring your experience to what is typical of the new career.

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This post was written by Melanie Riehl