Is your job at risk? Here’s why AI is changing your career path –

This post was originally published on this site.

The idea of job security will disappear. Things are changing and generative artificial intelligence (AI) is the culprit.

For many people, their game plan for life was to get a university education, work hard at a well-paying job and enjoy a happy financially prosperous life.

A recent study from Statistics Canada paints a picture of doom and gloom. There are 31 per cent of Canadian workers whose jobs are at risk because of AI disruption.

Almost as many workers are exposed to the AI threat, but whose jobs might be enhanced by this new technology. And finally, 40 per cent of workers are not exposed to the AI risk.

With earlier advancements in technology, less skilled factory worker jobs were automated. Currently, advancements with AI will eliminate many jobs currently performed by highly educated workers.

Technology advancements are happening rapidly, and new technological advancements will occur faster in the future.

On a positive note, there are those not threatened by AI, including construction workers, those in the trades and many jobs in health care.

We have a major challenge. Only some of the eligible workforce will be employed.

How does a family survive financially if one or more has a job replaced by technology? You can go from a high-paying job and owning a house with a large mortgage to suddenly being unemployed.

The government will have to react to support the increasing numbers of people who suddenly cannot afford food and housing.

Most of us enjoy the advancements in technology — our computers get faster; our phones get smarter.

That’s fine for now, but when the technology used in your smartphone is used to eliminate your job, you will have a problem, our government will have a problem, and we will all have a problem.

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