How to Find Your Dream Job Using AI – CNET

This post was originally published on this site.

It’s a very difficult time to be on the hunt for a new job. Posts are inundated with hundreds of applicants, so you have to stand out. But it’s easy to get disillusioned with fake job ads and automated mass-generated rejections — or worse, being ghosted.


Take a deep breath and turn to new tools to help you land a job you love. Create your resume and a custom cover letter and curate your job search with the help of artificial intelligence.

AI tools are being used in HR to streamline an otherwise arduous process. While new solutions are being rolled out to the market, there’s a lot to like about ChatGPT. It’s a catchall tool for creating your documents, a research aid, and a career “counselor.” Just know that like a lot of AI chatbots, it requires smart prompts from you, which can mean some trial and error.

You can sign up for an account to use a free version of ChatGPT, or pay $20 a month for more features, like the most recent data, priority access and image generation. 

Here’s how to get hired with a little helping hand from AI – and for more ways to use AI in job hunting, check out these 7 techniques we’ve tried and how they work.

Tell ChatGPT about yourself 


Give it your elevator pitch — the rundown on your career, experience, ambitions and values. I’m a journalist, but the same processes apply regardless of your field.

Prompt: “I’m a [career] and have worked at [previous companies]. My top skills are [XYZ] and my aspirations are [1, 2, 3]. Can you suggest job roles, company types and career paths that best align with my experience and goals?”

Here’s what I input:


Job Hunting ChatGPT Job Hunting ChatGPT

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–> ChatGPT/Screenshot by CNET

It came back with detailed results on some job roles, company types and career paths to target, such as prestigious publications, media companies and publishing houses, think tanks and startups. 

Feed it your resume

To get even more specific, input your resume into ChatGPT. Just be sure to remove sensitive information you don’t want in the AI, such as your contact details to avoid any future data breaches or unnecessary risk. 

Prompt: “Here is my resume. Provide further suggestions.” 

This time, it provided (without prompting) advice for enhancing my career, as well as even more detailed suggestions for roles and career paths. But I wanted even more specific direction.


Job Suggestions ChatGPT 1-1 Job Suggestions ChatGPT 1-1

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–> ChatGPT/Screenshot by CNET