This post was originally published on this site.
In addition to salary increase (rank 1), the work must be challenging and interesting (rank 4) for this target group. Fortunately, we live in an AI-driven era. Are organisations aware of this?
Vastenhouw: “Companies must remain aware of what engages employees. Do you still think in terms of traditional roles, or do you already prioritise skills that can be continuously developed? Maybe repetitive work can be increasingly taken over by AI, allowing those employees to engage in more meaningful work. For companies already worried about their appeal to twenty- and thirty-somethings, there is work to be done. This group will soon make up forty percent of the workforce.”
“The further rise of AI and technology can shape organisational strategies, especially in the mix of tasks and technology. This target group will no longer work sixty hours a week for a forty-hour salary, as previous generations – not always willingly – have done. Unlike these previous generations, this group is notably more vocal and assertive. So, my tip to organisations: broaden your perspective, thoroughly investigate in which direction your target group wants to develop and especially focus on how technology can support that.”