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Three years after conceiving a plan to seamlessly connect job seekers, employers and state workforce services, Arkansas officials unveiled LAUNCH, a modern, user-centric platform that is free to use.
The effort, in collaboration with Research Improving People’s Lives (RIPL), a national nonprofit that helps governments harness data, is described in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Combined State Plan for 2024-27. LAUNCH, it said, offers integrated service delivery to “support all residents on pathways to employment and economic security.” It utilizes the “no wrong door” philosophy enabling a single point of entry into a website or system, and uses data and artificial intelligence to match job seekers with postings and suggest learning resources.
“LAUNCH unlocks visibility of employment for job seekers. Its design is based off of skills matching to career,” Arkansas Chief Workforce Officer Mike Rogers said in a statement. “Anyone looking for the right-sized occupation and training to increase capability can find it on LAUNCH.”