Tariffs, trade, and how AI could affect the local job market | WXXI News

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12:00: Tariffs, trade, and how AI could affect the local job market  

1:00: Not car-free…but how about car-lite?

Economist Eric Morris joins us to discuss the dizzying on-again, off-again tariffs and the possible effects on trade and the economy. Plus, Morris talks about his recent piece for the Rochester Beacon titled “Rochester and the looming disruption of artificial intelligence.” Morris finds Rochester on a surprising list — which could place our region in an advantageous position for job seekers. Our guest:

  • Eric Morris, staff economist for Alesco Advisors

Then in our second hour, instead of urging people to give up their cars, Reconnect Rochester has a different idea: how about going “car-lite?” A new online series presents the experiences of Rochesterians who used to exclusively depend on cars for transportation; for various reasons, they have made significant changes. Bicycling, taking the bus, walking, and more: we discuss how feasible going “car-lite” is for most people. In studio:

  • Chaz Goodman, marketing and outreach manager for Reconnect Rochester
  • Sara Jenkins, Rochester resident
  • Steve Roll, board member for Reconnect Rochester