Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Jobs and Dramatically Changing the Workplace

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Labor Landscape

Worldwide, 170 million jobs are expected to be created by 2030, but 92 million jobs around the globe will disappear for a net growth of 78 million jobs, according to a new Future of Jobs Report 2025 by the World Economic Forum.  

Experts report that the global labor market is being reshaped. The future of Jobs Report 2025 finds that  job losses are driven by technological development, the green transition, economic  and demographic shifts resulting in a projected loss of 92 million jobs, or 14 percent of today’s labor force. .  

Michael Spring, a professor emeritus at the School of Computing and Information at the University of Pittsburgh, said artificial intelligence will continue to make a dramatic difference.  

“We are not too far away from systems that have basic skills. Service assistants will be replaced by AI-based personal assistants that can be easily programmed and can now be given a natural language interface,’’ said Spring.  “I would suggest that if you are an agent there are changes in your future – insurance agents, travel agents and real estate agents,’’ Spring said.   

Spring pointed out that most people will be served by programs that do 95 percent of the basic jobs better than most agents and they will never sleep or be on vacation. “And imagine an even more dramatic shift from using AI to give each student a personal tutor that can be tuned to their personal level to interact with personal and infinite patience in basic teaching processes,’’ said Spring.  

The World Economic Forum report said some of the fastest declining jobs by 2030 include: postal service clerks, bank tellers, data entry clerks, administrative assistants, executive secretaries, printing and related trade workers.  

Julie Bailey, an executive secretary at a Washington, Pa lawn service company, said she is thankfully ready to retire.  “I do not think AI can take the place of the human touch,’’ said Bailey.   And Johnny Dempsey, an equine blacksmith in Waynesburg, Pa  argues that some jobs simply can’t be duplicated.  “I’d like to see a robot put a shoe on a 1,500 pound horse, and not end up as a rumpled tin can,’’  Dempsey said.  

Still, there are some jobs that will actually grow in this changing work landscape, including frontline jobs like farmworkers, delivery drivers, nurses,  and construction workers. These jobs will see the largest growth by 2030, according to the World Economic Forum survey.   

Artificial intelligence is expected to be adopted by nearly 75 percent of surveyed companies and to lead to high churn – with 50 percent of organizations believing it will result in job growth and 25 percent thinking it will create job losses, the Future of Jobs Report says. Â