20 Leadership Skills That Are Still Relevant In The AI Age – Forbes

This post was originally published on this site.

Artificial intelligence has the power to automate and streamline countless business processes and improve efficiency across just about every sector. However, AI tools (and the humans using them) need guidance and training to perform to their full potential, which makes strong leadership more important than ever.

Below, members of Forbes Business Development Council discuss the leadership skills that are still relevant in the age of AI. From strong critical thinking skills to communication and empathy, these traits are crucial to leading any organization through the transitions that come with new technology.

1. Emotional Intelligence

In a rapidly evolving world, emotional intelligence is a crucial leadership skill, as it requires an understanding of the nuance that AI lacks. Leaders with a high EQ are self-aware, empathetic and reflective, which empowers them to navigate social complexities and manage relationships effectively, leading to better business outcomes and higher employee satisfaction. – Daniel Root, Barco ClickShare

2. Empathy

Our research shows that 68% of business leaders believe that today’s work environment demands new leadership styles. In the age of AI, adaptability and empathy are critical. Adaptability enables leaders to swiftly respond to the rapidly changing AI landscape. Empathy helps leaders support employees as they navigate with active listening, investing in ongoing learning and encouraging a growth mindset. – Loretta Li-Sevilla, HP

3. Transparency

The AI hype cycle has many people looking over their shoulders and fearing for their job security. As leaders, it is more important than ever to be transparent about how and why you plan to incorporate the use of AI into your business. You need your team working with you on these initiatives, not avoiding them out of fear of the unknown. – Jennifer Lee, Intradiem

4. The Ability To Identify Areas For Improvement

With AI, leaders now have the ability to create bespoke coaching for any skill they want to improve. Want to become a better listener? ChatGPT will happily create a plan with tactics and exercises to help you develop that skill. Wondering how to deal with a difficult situation? It’s likely that AI can summarize the world’s knowledge on the subject. It’s a brave new world. – Mike Villalobos, Seedtag

5. A Commitment To Continuous Learning

In the age of artificial intelligence, adaptability is the most relevant leadership principle. Leaders can develop this skill by staying updated on AI advancements, embracing continuous learning and promoting a culture of innovation. This adaptability enables leaders to integrate AI effectively, enhancing decision-making and driving career growth. – Tomer Yosef, ESHET HAIL

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6. Adaptability

Adaptability is the most relevant leadership skill, which can be developed by continuously learning about AI advancements, embracing the power of these changes and fostering an innovative culture. Since technology evolves rapidly, ongoing and frequent training is a must. This allows teams to fully embrace how AI can scale the workloads under ever-increasing consumer and business demands. – Tony Ambroza, RealTruck, Inc.

7. High-Level Communication Skills

Artificial Intelligence is incredibly powerful and can help you find a solution or develop a plan quickly. What AI cannot do is employ emotional intelligence or utilize a variety of communication skills without excessive prompting. Leaders who have high emotional intelligence and advanced communication skills will be in demand in an era where anyone who knows how to use AI can appear qualified. – Ashleigh Stanford, PracticeTek

8. Humility

We all must accept that certain longtime aspects of our jobs will vanish in the face of AI. Embracing this, rather than fighting it, will help you to take advantage of the flip side of the coin: AI will help us work smarter and more efficiently, handling manual, tedious tasks and vastly helping with ideation. But we’ll need to leave our egos at the door to fully take advantage. – Jacob Dearstyne, Optizmo.com

9. Mental Agility

Adaptability is key to thriving in an AI-driven world. Apply AI concepts to real-world projects, like pilot programs or projects that utilize AI tools. Embrace continuous learning by actively seeking new developments in AI. Cultivate an agile mindset, encourage innovation and stay open to change. Lead with empathy, guide teams through transitions and ensure AI enhances, not replaces, human talent. – Ashu Goel, WinWire

10. Knowledge Of When To Apply AI

Understanding and applying AI to the right use cases or causes, in the right way, will help businesses. Always start with the “why” and “purpose” and then assess “fit,” followed by the right application. – Aarthi Murali, Holman

11. Prioritization Skills

Along with several of the skills shared by fellow contributors, I’d add prioritization skills to the list in this age of AI. It’s easy to get excited about all the new tools at our fingertips, but you need to prioritize and decide where you’re going to invest first and truly deliver business impact. Trying to add AI to everything will likely lead to poor implementation and lackluster results. – Toby Carrington, Seismic

12. Authenticity

Leaders should focus on the ethical usage and application of AI, coupled with authenticity. In a world increasingly driven by AI, people value real involvement and in-person interactions. Authenticity builds trust and reliability, which are crucial as AI evolves. Developing these skills enhances career growth by addressing complex, people-driven business problems with empathy and trust. – Curtis Brinkerhoff, Impartner, Inc.

13. Compassion And Understanding

The art of leading with empathy and compassion will be critical in the future. Staff across all industries will feel the encroachment of AI on their roles. It is our job as leaders to allow team members to understand that it is important to embrace the future and be continuous learners. Leaders should be developing new skills that complement the introduction of AI in our careers, not trying to stop it. – Tyler Trimbath, TrimRX Holdings

14. An Understanding Of How AI Can Complement Human Skills

Leaders must develop soft skills to understand how to leverage AI strengths and complement them with the uniquely human skills of their workforce. Cultivate a mindset of collaboration over competition with AI. Identifying areas where AI can enhance human capabilities will be a pathway to the successful implementation of AI. – Angelica Kopec, She Knows Business

15. Timely, Action-Oriented Decision-Making

The ability to interpret the data and make action-oriented decisions will be the most important skill for leaders in the age of artificial intelligence. Decisions like real-time pricing adjustments, real-time promotions and real-time placement will all be enhanced and executed with AI. Those who use AI to make faster, more informed and timely decisions will give their company a competitive advantage. – Jonathan Nikols, Verizon Business

16. Relationship Building

Relationships are the ultimate game-changer. Leaders who build strong connections can inspire teams, win deals and create loyal followers. AI can’t replicate the magic of human bonds. – Sidharth Ramsinghaney, TWILIO

17. Resiliency

In the age of AI, fostering a culture that embraces fast failure and rapid innovation without fear is paramount. This leadership principle encourages agility and creativity. Leaders can develop this by promoting experimentation, learning from failures and providing psychological safety. Continuous learning and open communication are essential to expediting AI adoption and the realization of value. – Jack Borie, Ubix

18. Strategic Thinking Skills

In the age of artificial intelligence, strategic thinking is one of the most relevant leadership principles or skills. It enables leaders to navigate the complexities and opportunities extended by AI and other advanced technologies. Leaders can develop it through continuous learning, networking, improving analytical skills, encouraging innovation and leveraging AI tools and feedback loops. – Salice Thomas, Wipro Limited

19. Team Management

Beyond numbers, what constitutes great leadership is the ability to manage and lead people. This principle does not change, and managers should rely on AI as a tool and its capabilities, but not to the extent of replacing human angles and emotions. People will believe and buy into your vision by seeing how invested their leader is in them and not because of a tool or technology in the leader’s armory. – Mustansir Paliwala, Zomara Group & EQUANS

20. Data Interpretation

Understanding and interpreting data is important. Encouraging data-driven decision-making within teams and using data visualization tools also helps. For example, Amazon exemplifies this approach by making sure its leaders frequently use data to guide decisions. The company also provides extensive training in data analytics so leaders can effectively leverage AI insights. – Bryce Welker, The CPA Exam Guy