Easy Home Cleaning Hacks

This post was originally published on this site.

No one’s home gets clean without some effort. Some houses take a lot more effort than others. If yours is taking too much time and energy, then you may benefit from some cleaning hacks that will make life easier on you.

These are a few simple things you can do to speed up the cleaning process and give yourself less work to do, and we really hope they help you out. I use some of the same hacks in my daily life, and they work great for me.

Clean the Microwave with Water

You can get the microwave to do a lot of the cleaning work for you. Instead of scrubbing it down and using harsh or foul-smelling chemicals, you can simply place a cup of water into the microwave and set it to heat for about a minute. After the microwave finishes, just take out the cup and wipe down the interior. The water should have stuck to the walls of the microwave, making it easy to clean out the appliance.

Place Trash Cans and Baskets around the House

Do you feel like you are always picking up trash and dirty clothes? Do other people in your home leave these items just lying around anywhere and everywhere? No matter how many times you tell your roommate or kids or even your spouse to clean up after themselves, they still leave trash and dirty laundry lying about.

The solution is to make it easy for them to be tidy. It may seem not very worthwhile to them to clean up after themselves or to take the walk to the trash can or laundry basket from where they are at. It may be easier to simply leave the trash or clothes on the floor. If you place laundry baskets in all bedrooms and bathrooms, though, then it is simple for them to take the clothes off and place them directly into the laundry basket. Suddenly, there is absolutely no reason for them to leave clothes on the floor again.

You can do the same thing with trash. Just place a trashcan in any room of the house where people tend to leave trash, especially in bedrooms and in the living room. Place the trash cans in strategic places, where they will be accessible, convenient, and noticed. So, if people in your household tend to eat on the couch in front of the TV and leave their wrappers on the floor there, then place a trash can beside the couch. They won’t even have to stand up to put the trash away.

Hire Some Professionals

Here is another tip that comes in so handy and saves me so much time on my cleaning. I like to hire cleaning services near me every so often to do the tidying up. That kitchen that is going to be a pain for me this week? I give it to the cleaning company. That bathroom that someone left an awful mess that I don’t feel like cleaning up? I hire someone to take care of it.

Does this seem like a cop-out? It doesn’t feel like one. I feel like I do enough work and spend enough time cleaning my home already. Why shouldn’t I treat myself sometimes and hire professionals to do the cleaning? It seems reasonable to me, and it saves me so much time. I can get other stuff done while they are scrubbing out the tub or cleaning the floors. As long as you pick a reliable company with a good reputation, you have nothing to worry about.

Clean Often, Clean Less

One tip I like to share with people that they often don’t believe at first is that when you clean frequently, you don’t have to clean as much. Does that seem to make no sense at all? Let me explain.

If you clean every day, just doing some basic chores, then there will not be much to clean on the weekend. Some people save their cleaning until the weekend, but cleaning a bit each day makes it so that you don’t have to do much when the weekend arrives.

Now, if I clean my floors and counters and such a little each day, then I never have to spend a long time cleaning them. The dust and dirt comes off easily because it hasn’t been sitting there for long. It’s the same way when I clean my shoes. If I only clean them once a month, they will be a pain to clean. They will be stained and have tough dirt marks on them. If I clean them off a little each day, though, then they stay clean and I never have to do an intensive, time consuming cleaning.

Let Items Soak

Is there any part of your house or any item in your home that is tough to clean? Are there some items that you have to scrub and scrub at to get them looking nice and clean? Those may be items that could benefit from some soaking.

This is an especially helpful tip with dishes, but it works with anything that needs to be sprayed down or scrubbed to be cleaned. Let’s start with dishes. You can soak the ones with tough grime in a sink full of soapy water. Leave them there for just a few minutes and then see how easy it is to scrub them clean.

Do the same thing with the shelves in your fridge, the windows in your home, and the fixtures in the bathroom. Spray them down with a cleaner or leave them to soak (if they are removable, like shelves) and let them sit for a few minutes. The water or cleaning solution will release a lot of the dirt, grime, and grease. You can go do something else and then come back and wipe these items down after the water has soaked in. They should be much easier to clean.

These are a few of my favorite cleaning hacks, and I hope you can make use of them to make your life easier.Â