AI will take your job… and can give you a better one – ET CIO

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AI will take your job… and can give you a better one, CIO News, ET CIO





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Harneet Singh, Founder & Chief AI Officer, Rabbitt AI

There has been a never ending debate about how AI will displace jobs. The fear of new technology is common and so are the unnecessary rumour, but what people need to understand is that with new things comes new opportunities,

Basically, just 9 words to summarise this whole thing.

“AI will create MORE jobs than it will displace !”

The key lies in understanding the technology, how it will work and how it will create a difference. AI might be new to the world but technology isn’t. Every now and then new technology comes and with that brings in a new fear. Let’s see in the history itself,

When James Watt introduced the world to the Watt Steam Engine it revolutionized the power industry showing the world about the impact steam power can create. Steam engines became more efficient and thus the fear of decrease in the coal consumption followed the mass. But Contrary to the common intuition, people did not use less coal but instead more of it.

This is really surprising but why did this happen? As steam engines became more efficient, their operational costs decreased. This led to their more widespread use across industries, which in turn increased the demand for coal. This phenomenon is known as the Jevons Paradox—the idea that increased efficiency in resource use leads to more, not less, consumption of that resource.

Just like the steam engine, AI will be following a similar pattern, making things cheaper. As AI advances, it makes tasks easier and cheaper to perform, leading to widespread adoption across sectors. This expanded use of AI doesn’t simply displace jobs—it creates new opportunities and roles.

According to the report of World Economic Forum AI will create 12 million more jobs than it’ll displace, basically 1.2 crore more jobs by 2025, an incredible number that should dispel any concerns about AI leading to mass unemployment.

AI advancements reduce operational costs, making it accessible for more businesses and individuals, which leads to more widespread use across industries. In turn, this increased use generates demand for new roles—many of which didn’t exist before. That’s what Ross, chief of Groq and former co founder of Google’s Tensor Processing Unit also said.

We can understand this in a simpler way through the AI Paradox, where we will draw a parallel between the steam engine and GenAI. More intelligent machines, especially those powered by Generative AI, are performing tasks better, faster, and more accurately. But instead of completely displacing jobs, this efficiency results in reduced costs, which drives adoption across more industries and sectors.

Here’s the pattern, AI will make tasks easier and cheaper. Some jobs will be displaced as costs will reduce through the automation and use of Technology. But as AI adoption increases across industries more use cases will emerge creating a high demand for humans with the right skillset. So, Yes old jobs will be displaced but more, high paying jobs will be created generating opportunities. So, net-net, the impact of AI on jobs is positive. Automation will displace some jobs, but the efficiency and expansion into new areas will create more opportunities than it eliminates.

To further illustrate how AI is creating jobs, let’s explore two case studies of companies that adopted Generative AI.

CASE STUDY 1: Automating Outbound Recruitment with AI for a Fortune 500 company

An AI company worked with a US-based Fortune 500 client to automate their outbound recruitment process using Generative AI solutions. The AI-driven automation allowed them to streamline operations and reduce manual labour. But, rather than resulting in fewer jobs, it created new ones.

The company ended up creating 17 new positions, including roles like AI engineers, MLOps professionals, model evaluators, and prompt engineers. Out of a total of 90 people in that business unit, 17 new positions specifically emerged to support the AI integration. These jobs didn’t exist before but were necessary to ensure the successful implementation and management of AI systems.

CASE STUDY 2 : Integrating Gen AI in Online Learning for an Ivy League University

Another client, one of the top universities in the United States, integrated an AI-powered Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) model into their online learning platform. The AI-assisted students in their learning journey, helping them access better, more personalised educational content.

The result? The increased efficiency of the system led to greater adoption of online learning, which required human intervention to create, curate, and evaluate more courses. The university ended up hiring 47 additional staff members, a direct result of AI integration.

These case studies exemplify how AI doesn’t just take over jobs—it fosters growth and creates new opportunities for professionals across sectors. Job creation spans numerous sectors—tech, healthcare, education, manufacturing, and more. Roles such as AI trainers, data scientists, automation specialists, prompt engineers, and ethicists are emerging as critical components of an AI-driven workforce.AI can be the next Y2K moment and can change how the world works.

We’re living in fascinating times, where AI is rapidly transforming industries and reshaping the future of work. But the key takeaway is that AI isn’t a threat—it’s an opportunity. It will automate routine tasks, yes, but in doing so, it will allow humans to focus on more complex, creative, and strategic roles.

By reducing the costs of performing certain tasks and making AI more accessible, businesses can innovate faster, leading to new industries and job opportunities.

The author is Harneet Singh, Founder and Chief AI Officer of Rabbitt AI.

Disclaimer: The views expressed are solely of the author and ETCIO does not necessarily subscribe to it. ETCIO shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/organization directly or indirectly.

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As AI advances, it makes tasks easier and cheaper to perform, leading to widespread adoption across sectors. This expanded use of AI doesn’t simply displace jobs—it creates new opportunities and roles.

  • Updated On Oct 9, 2024 at 02:36 PM IST

<img width="590" height="442" class="unveil" loading="eager" src="" data-src="" captionrendered="1" alt="

Harneet Singh, Founder & Chief AI Officer, Rabbitt AI


Harneet Singh, Founder & Chief AI Officer, Rabbitt AI

There has been a never ending debate about how AI will displace jobs. The fear of new technology is common and so are the unnecessary rumour, but what people need to understand is that with new things comes new opportunities,

Basically, just 9 words to summarise this whole thing.

“AI will create MORE jobs than it will displace !”

The key lies in understanding the technology, how it will work and how it will create a difference. AI might be new to the world but technology isn’t. Every now and then new technology comes and with that brings in a new fear. Let’s see in the history itself,

When James Watt introduced the world to the Watt Steam Engine it revolutionized the power industry showing the world about the impact steam power can create. Steam engines became more efficient and thus the fear of decrease in the coal consumption followed the mass. But Contrary to the common intuition, people did not use less coal but instead more of it.

This is really surprising but why did this happen? As steam engines became more efficient, their operational costs decreased. This led to their more widespread use across industries, which in turn increased the demand for coal. This phenomenon is known as the Jevons Paradox—the idea that increased efficiency in resource use leads to more, not less, consumption of that resource.

Just like the steam engine, AI will be following a similar pattern, making things cheaper. As AI advances, it makes tasks easier and cheaper to perform, leading to widespread adoption across sectors. This expanded use of AI doesn’t simply displace jobs—it creates new opportunities and roles.

According to the report of World Economic Forum AI will create 12 million more jobs than it’ll displace, basically 1.2 crore more jobs by 2025, an incredible number that should dispel any concerns about AI leading to mass unemployment.

AI advancements reduce operational costs, making it accessible for more businesses and individuals, which leads to more widespread use across industries. In turn, this increased use generates demand for new roles—many of which didn’t exist before. That’s what Ross, chief of Groq and former co founder of Google’s Tensor Processing Unit also said.

We can understand this in a simpler way through the AI Paradox, where we will draw a parallel between the steam engine and GenAI. More intelligent machines, especially those powered by Generative AI, are performing tasks better, faster, and more accurately. But instead of completely displacing jobs, this efficiency results in reduced costs, which drives adoption across more industries and sectors.

Here’s the pattern, AI will make tasks easier and cheaper. Some jobs will be displaced as costs will reduce through the automation and use of Technology. But as AI adoption increases across industries more use cases will emerge creating a high demand for humans with the right skillset. So, Yes old jobs will be displaced but more, high paying jobs will be created generating opportunities. So, net-net, the impact of AI on jobs is positive. Automation will displace some jobs, but the efficiency and expansion into new areas will create more opportunities than it eliminates.

To further illustrate how AI is creating jobs, let’s explore two case studies of companies that adopted Generative AI.

CASE STUDY 1: Automating Outbound Recruitment with AI for a Fortune 500 company

An AI company worked with a US-based Fortune 500 client to automate their outbound recruitment process using Generative AI solutions. The AI-driven automation allowed them to streamline operations and reduce manual labour. But, rather than resulting in fewer jobs, it created new ones.

The company ended up creating 17 new positions, including roles like AI engineers, MLOps professionals, model evaluators, and prompt engineers. Out of a total of 90 people in that business unit, 17 new positions specifically emerged to support the AI integration. These jobs didn’t exist before but were necessary to ensure the successful implementation and management of AI systems.

CASE STUDY 2 : Integrating Gen AI in Online Learning for an Ivy League University

Another client, one of the top universities in the United States, integrated an AI-powered Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) model into their online learning platform. The AI-assisted students in their learning journey, helping them access better, more personalised educational content.

The result? The increased efficiency of the system led to greater adoption of online learning, which required human intervention to create, curate, and evaluate more courses. The university ended up hiring 47 additional staff members, a direct result of AI integration.

These case studies exemplify how AI doesn’t just take over jobs—it fosters growth and creates new opportunities for professionals across sectors. Job creation spans numerous sectors—tech, healthcare, education, manufacturing, and more. Roles such as AI trainers, data scientists, automation specialists, prompt engineers, and ethicists are emerging as critical components of an AI-driven workforce.AI can be the next Y2K moment and can change how the world works.

We’re living in fascinating times, where AI is rapidly transforming industries and reshaping the future of work. But the key takeaway is that AI isn’t a threat—it’s an opportunity. It will automate routine tasks, yes, but in doing so, it will allow humans to focus on more complex, creative, and strategic roles.

By reducing the costs of performing certain tasks and making AI more accessible, businesses can innovate faster, leading to new industries and job opportunities.

The author is Harneet Singh, Founder and Chief AI Officer of Rabbitt AI.

Disclaimer: The views expressed are solely of the author and ETCIO does not necessarily subscribe to it. ETCIO shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/organization directly or indirectly.


  • Updated On Oct 9, 2024 at 02:36 PM IST
  • –>

  • Published On Oct 9, 2024 at 02:36 PM IST
  • <!–

  • 5 min read
  • –>

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Harneet Singh, Founder & Chief AI Officer, Rabbitt AI

There has been a never ending debate about how AI will displace jobs. The fear of new technology is common and so are the unnecessary rumour, but what people need to understand is that with new things comes new opportunities,

Basically, just 9 words to summarise this whole thing.

“AI will create MORE jobs than it will displace !”

The key lies in understanding the technology, how it will work and how it will create a difference. AI might be new to the world but technology isn’t. Every now and then new technology comes and with that brings in a new fear. Let’s see in the history itself,

When James Watt introduced the world to the Watt Steam Engine it revolutionized the power industry showing the world about the impact steam power can create. Steam engines became more efficient and thus the fear of decrease in the coal consumption followed the mass. But Contrary to the common intuition, people did not use less coal but instead more of it.

This is really surprising but why did this happen? As steam engines became more efficient, their operational costs decreased. This led to their more widespread use across industries, which in turn increased the demand for coal. This phenomenon is known as the Jevons Paradox—the idea that increased efficiency in resource use leads to more, not less, consumption of that resource.

Just like the steam engine, AI will be following a similar pattern, making things cheaper. As AI advances, it makes tasks easier and cheaper to perform, leading to widespread adoption across sectors. This expanded use of AI doesn’t simply displace jobs—it creates new opportunities and roles.

According to the report of World Economic Forum AI will create 12 million more jobs than it’ll displace, basically 1.2 crore more jobs by 2025, an incredible number that should dispel any concerns about AI leading to mass unemployment.

AI advancements reduce operational costs, making it accessible for more businesses and individuals, which leads to more widespread use across industries. In turn, this increased use generates demand for new roles—many of which didn’t exist before. That’s what Ross, chief of Groq and former co founder of Google’s Tensor Processing Unit also said.

We can understand this in a simpler way through the AI Paradox, where we will draw a parallel between the steam engine and GenAI. More intelligent machines, especially those powered by Generative AI, are performing tasks better, faster, and more accurately. But instead of completely displacing jobs, this efficiency results in reduced costs, which drives adoption across more industries and sectors.

Here’s the pattern, AI will make tasks easier and cheaper. Some jobs will be displaced as costs will reduce through the automation and use of Technology. But as AI adoption increases across industries more use cases will emerge creating a high demand for humans with the right skillset. So, Yes old jobs will be displaced but more, high paying jobs will be created generating opportunities. So, net-net, the impact of AI on jobs is positive. Automation will displace some jobs, but the efficiency and expansion into new areas will create more opportunities than it eliminates.

To further illustrate how AI is creating jobs, let’s explore two case studies of companies that adopted Generative AI.

CASE STUDY 1: Automating Outbound Recruitment with AI for a Fortune 500 company

An AI company worked with a US-based Fortune 500 client to automate their outbound recruitment process using Generative AI solutions. The AI-driven automation allowed them to streamline operations and reduce manual labour. But, rather than resulting in fewer jobs, it created new ones.

The company ended up creating 17 new positions, including roles like AI engineers, MLOps professionals, model evaluators, and prompt engineers. Out of a total of 90 people in that business unit, 17 new positions specifically emerged to support the AI integration. These jobs didn’t exist before but were necessary to ensure the successful implementation and management of AI systems.

CASE STUDY 2 : Integrating Gen AI in Online Learning for an Ivy League University

Another client, one of the top universities in the United States, integrated an AI-powered Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) model into their online learning platform. The AI-assisted students in their learning journey, helping them access better, more personalised educational content.

The result? The increased efficiency of the system led to greater adoption of online learning, which required human intervention to create, curate, and evaluate more courses. The university ended up hiring 47 additional staff members, a direct result of AI integration.

These case studies exemplify how AI doesn’t just take over jobs—it fosters growth and creates new opportunities for professionals across sectors. Job creation spans numerous sectors—tech, healthcare, education, manufacturing, and more. Roles such as AI trainers, data scientists, automation specialists, prompt engineers, and ethicists are emerging as critical components of an AI-driven workforce.AI can be the next Y2K moment and can change how the world works.

We’re living in fascinating times, where AI is rapidly transforming industries and reshaping the future of work. But the key takeaway is that AI isn’t a threat—it’s an opportunity. It will automate routine tasks, yes, but in doing so, it will allow humans to focus on more complex, creative, and strategic roles.

By reducing the costs of performing certain tasks and making AI more accessible, businesses can innovate faster, leading to new industries and job opportunities.

The author is Harneet Singh, Founder and Chief AI Officer of Rabbitt AI.

Disclaimer: The views expressed are solely of the author and ETCIO does not necessarily subscribe to it. ETCIO shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/organization directly or indirectly.

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