Today, I want to give you 5 tips that will make your resume stand out in the internet job board world. Over the years, the number one complaint we get from job seekers who submit their resume to job openings is that they never hear anything back from the employers. I decided that I would do some research to see what may be causing this. Certainly, each employer has a system of reviewing your credentials. Ultimately, it is up to them on what they do with your information.
I reviewed 12 different jobs with 12 different companies at What I found in this very basic research was very interesting. Job seekers are doing a horrible job of presenting their credentials.
Want to get noticed? Make sure your summary has the following elements:
Correct Spelling and Grammar. Misspellings or not capitalizing your name is a guarantee that you will not get a call.
Your email address. Please, please make sure it is professional.
Your last job title should be close to the job you are applying to. This is critical and the hardest thing to do. The employer must see the keywords of your credentials in the summary.
Salary. You know what you are worth. If the job you are applying to doesn’t pay enough, don’t apply. You can always use open in this area but if the job is a fit, employers love to know what you are making.
Education. Make sure you have the education level the position requires. You will not get called back if the position requires a 4 year degree and you don’t have one. In my research, over 50% of candidates who applied didn’t have the correct education.
This is pretty simple stuff but very important. Remember, the employer is looking at your preview. If you want to get them to watch the feature film, these tips will help dramatically.