You Finally Get the Interview but It Doesn’t Go Well… Here’s Why!

Get the Interview and It Doesn't Go Well


If you are in a job search and apply to a lot of jobs, most of the time you never hear back from the employer. It’s called the black hole. But in reality, many job seekers make so many mistakes during the application process that human resource departments and screening computers don’t even consider your skills. (Read this article).

The goal of your job search is simple. Interviews. There is nothing better than applying for a job and getting an employer to reach out to schedule a job interview. You know the feeling. Depending on where you are at in your job search this can be an exhilarating event. If you have been out of work for a few months, just a call from an employer can once again give you hope that someone out there recognizes your abilities. This is all good stuff but what happens next ruins many dreams of finding that perfect job.

Quite frankly, many just interview poorly. This is due to a lot of reasons, but since interviews, like public speaking, are situations that make many uncomfortable, you may not always perform your best. Believe it or not, being nervous is NOT the reason you didn’t get the job. Most employers understand the human nature side of the situation. Hopefully, as the interview goes along, the more comfortable you will get.

So why don’t you get the job? After twenty years of interviewing thousands of people, here are my top three reasons of what REALLY went wrong during the interview. To get a great job (not just any job), you must be able to connect with the person who is interviewing you. No matter who this is, they stand between you and a job offer.

  1. Neglect the things that YOU control 100%.
    Dress for success is just not an expression; it’s the truth. Most people dress fine for interviews. However, if you want to make an impression, you have a chance to stand out if your wardrobe is powerful. Lisa Maile is an image expert and shares some powerful image tips for interviews in these videos. The other things you control 100% is being on time (show up 10-15 minutes early-not 45 minutes early), smiling, grooming, firm handshake, fantastic attitude and excellent posture throughout the interview. You also control your positive attitude. 80% of meetings conducted do not hit all these marks, but you can!
  1. Do not use excellent examples to demonstrate and prove your skill sets.
    No matter what job you are interviewing for, you should have at least four examples to show how you are an excellent candidate. Identify four work situations and be able to let the interviewer know how you used your skills in each and what results you achieved. Take it one step further and let them know a time it didn’t go well and how you handled that as well. Talk their language according to what they are looking for in their position. Answer their questions with these examples and you will do very well.
  1. Not understanding exactly how the job you are interviewing for effects the bottom line of the company.
    How does your job effect company revenues? Sure, if it is a sales position, that is easy to decipher. But what if you are an account manager, accounts payable, customer service or grounds crew worker? How do you convey your knowledge of your value to the company? The best way to do that tells them that with a top performer in the job you are interviewing for (which you are because you used examples), you understand how that affects the bottom line. Just making the interviewer aware of this will separate you from your competition.


I know there are millions of web pages with interview advice. Job seekers fail interviews because of these three mistakes. Interviewers are NOT looking for canned answers. They are looking for humans with skills sets, positive attitude, excellent communication and company fit. If you follow this advice and just be your usual, happy self, you will always be a top candidate.