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Last Updated:March 23, 2025, 11:36 IST
Steve Jobs once spoke about having a machine that could understand and respond like a real person, almost like the AI chatbots we use today, such as ChatGPT.
Steve Jobs started Apple in 1976 with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. (Photo Credits: Instagram)
Apple’s co-founder, Steve Jobs was known for his groundbreaking ideas that changed the tech world. A newly released 1983 video from the Steve Jobs Archive shows how ahead of his time he truly was. In this rare footage, Jobs gave a speech at the International Design Conference, where he spoke about having a machine that could understand and respond like a real person, almost like the AI tools we use today, such as ChatGPT. He mentioned that even though we might not always get the perfect or accurate answer, there was still a chance it might. That possibility excited him and motivated him to continue his work.
Jobs said, “I think as we look towards the next 50 to 100 years, if we really can come up with these machines that can capture an underlying spirit or an underlying set of principles or an underlying way of looking at the world, then when the next Aristotle comes around, maybe if he carries around one of these machines with him his whole life, his or her whole life and types in all this stuff, then maybe someday after the person’s dead and gone, we can ask this machine, ‘Hey, what would Aristotle have said,’ what about this. Maybe we won’t get the right answer but maybe we will. That’s exciting to me and that’s one of the reasons I’m doing what I’m doing.”
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Steve Jobs got the idea for this kind of technology from books. He found them amazing because they allowed information to go directly from the writer to the reader without anything in between. However, he felt there was a problem, as readers couldn’t ask the author any questions.
The International Design Conference took place before Steve introduced the Macintosh and when Apple was still growing. During the conference, Jobs had also predicted that computers and laptops will become a regular part of daily life. He correctly shared that these devices will be used at work, in schools and in homes. Jobs believed that people will spend more time using computers than driving cars. He expected that many will also interact with these machines for several hours daily.
A year after his visionary speech, the Apple founder transformed the computer industry with the launch of its first Macintosh. Then, in 2007, Jobs introduced the first iPhone device.
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