People to know in NY cannabis: Lindsay Trammel

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Lindsay Trammel is co-general manager at VERDI Cannabis, a licensed dispensary in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood. She answered eight simple questions for NY Cannabis Insider’s “People to know” series.

What is your position and what do you/your company do in the cannabis space?

I’m co-general manager at VERDI Cannabis.

How long have you worked in the cannabis space?

I worked in the legal cannabis space for a little over 3 years.

What did you do before you were involved in the cannabis industry?

Before getting involved in the cannabis industry I had a slew of different jobs. I worked in the food industry, I did a lot of customer service work, and I also did a bit of freelance modeling in Pennsylvania.

What led you to the cannabis industry?

A lot of things; the biggest would be the community that cannabis brings together. I discovered cannabis has this innate power to create a community. Once I dove into the medical benefits of the plant, I was able to see how the plant changes lives in a positive way and on a grand scale. My grandfather suffered from Parkinson’s, he used cannabis to help make everyday easier. Knowing first-hand from my experience with my grandfather the potential cannabis has on people physically and mentally, I was encouraged to share this knowledge to help others.

Do you have any advice for someone looking to get into the NY weed industry?

Buckle up! It is so much more than just selling weed. It is rewarding, but beware— the road is bumpy! You will meet some of the most AMAZING people here. And remind yourself: it is never that deep, because guess what? We get to sell legal cannabis and that is something to always be grateful for!

What do you think the NY cannabis ecosystem will look like in five years?

I imagine there will be way more clarity on regulations. I hope to see more consumer sites, places to dance and venues that allow indoor consumption for concerts. Some establishments will stay, and some will go.

Do you use cannabis? If so, what’s your favorite method and why?

Yes, my preferred intake is smoking but I will DABble with most forms.

What’s the best method for people to contact you?

Email me at